Title Behind You All the Way Author janedavitt Web page Jane's Stories Pairing Sheppard/Ford Rating R Length 3,000 words Spoilers: None. Set mid S1 Many thanks to 2am_optimism for a very helpful beta reading and much reassurance.
I like a lot of different pairings in this fandom but when I watched 'Rising' this was the one that sprang out at me and I've been waiting for a while to write it. Glad you liked it!
Really nice. Ford was my first love in this fandom, and Shep/Ford was the first slash I could see happening. It's like an old wish granted, to read a good story with these two. I've come to adore Rodney, and Sheppard keeps growing on me, and I can't help loving Ronon, but. ::cries over Ford again::
Oh, so late to comment to this but here goes: Yay for this! I was 1/2 way through a perfectly fine Sheppard/McKay story this morning when my brain sort of revolted and told me it was time to stop pussyfooting around and that it was shutting down until I located at least *one* Shep/Ford story that I liked (b/c I am also one of those people who sees/saw that pairing much, much more clearly than the Shep/McKay juggernaut). So, I wandered over here and was so happy to stumble upon this, which I really really enjoyed. You did such a nice job with it -- it's funny and hot and right on with the voices and deals with the issues of the pairing in a v believable/v bittersweet way. Man.
I saw this pairing with the very first episode, so strongly, and I was surprised when I was told, no, it's all McKay/Sheppard (which I also love but it took me a few episodes to be convinced of that).
Glad you enjoyed this; I was determined to write it once, at least, and someone asked for it as a birthday fic which made me very happy :-)
Comments 6
Love the story! Glad to see someone writing these two again. People have become obsessed with McShep and Ronon/Shep which I just can't see.
::cries over Ford again::
::sobs with you::
Glad you liked the fic!
Thanks for this!
Glad you enjoyed this; I was determined to write it once, at least, and someone asked for it as a birthday fic which made me very happy :-)
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