2013 Shep H/C Summer Pic-Fic Challenge!!

May 29, 2013 17:26

Another day, another mission. John stood facing the open stargate, the sun streaming through Atlantis' stain glass windows and warming the back of his neck. He glanced at his team, tightened his grip on his weapon, and stepped through the shimmering event horizon into...

Into what? Something like this?

One of the things I love the most about this fandom is that the possible worlds, and stories, are virtually endless. Will it be a desert world full of ancient rock formations? A volcano exploding in the midst of a lightning storm? A swamp world suffering through a civil war, its people battling over precious resources? Or maybe John is heading home - to Earth and homegrown landscapes as alien as any in the Pegasus Galaxy.

The Challenge

With the support of your lovely mod kristen999, I bring you the 2013 Shep H/C Summer Pic-Fic Challenge! Sign up between now and Labor Day (September 2) by leaving a comment below with your email address (all comments screened), and I will send you a picture that gives you the setting. You're job is to write a story set in the world that photo suggests!

The Rules

The only rules are as follows:

1. The picture you receive determines the setting of your story (I will try to get your picture to you within a week of hearing from those who want to participate)

2. The story must be at least 1,000 words (no maximum length)

3. Since this is the Shep H/C site, it must obviously involve, at the very least, hurt and/or comfort of our favorite Major/Colonel, John Sheppard

Every other aspect of the story is up to you and your muse!

The Details - Please read (hopefully it is clearer this time)!!

Sign-ups and story posting will last all summer! What this means: No deadlines! You can sign up anytime, post anytime, sign up again... I hope to see stories flowing in from this challenge all summer long. :D

The last day you can sign up to get pictures is Labor Day, which is September 2. That is the only date you have to worry about.

Feel free to cross-post your finished story anywhere at any time between now and Labor Day (September 2), as long as it's posted here first (or simultaneously) for all to enjoy.

You can write as many stories as you want as well, but only one picture at a time. If you've posted a story and have the urge to write another one, sign up again and I'll send you another picture - I've collected nearly 200 online photos over the years of interesting, story-provoking, or simply bizarre landscapes.

Finally, spread the word! Please feel free to advertise this challenge anywhere you think is appropriate (your own sites, or other SGA communities, etc.) All are welcome!

Good luck, and I look forward to reading all of your stories!

(Also, this is my first time running a challenge of any sort, so be kind and patient! (I know you all will!:D))

ETA: I've gotten a few similar questions, so I'll unscreen the question and answers in the comments. Hopefully that answers everyone's questions!

ETA2: If you don't want to send your email address in a comment, you can shoot me a direct message with it. That's no problem at all!

pic-fic challenge 2013, challenge

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