Feb 04, 2010 00:51

Who: Xiao Long Nu and Padraic
When: Pat's birthday! (around lunchtime)
Where: Store
Rating: PG default
Warnings: None, frienship!fluff all the way!
Summary: It's Pat's birthday! So Xiao Long Nu is having a birthday dinner with her only best friend!

Xiao Long Nu loved hanging out with her friends, especially on special occasions, and what was more special that an eighteenth birthday? She'd actually run to the store once already; the rather hastily-finished product of her resultant labours was in a box on the nearest table. Now she was scouring the shelves for nice things to share. She really wished she could take Pat to the sushi bar near the school back home, or to get bubble tea and cakes at the cafe, but that was all gone now, she supposed. No point thinking about it. If she was still there, after all, Pat would be middle-aged and a continent away.

She found some cans of soda, and some nice food, but sadly no bubble tea. Unsurprising, really, since it didn't store well, but she didn't have the first idea how to make it. Shame. She wanted to let Pat try some.
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