Title: "Thicker Than Water - Chapter 7/7"
Fandom: The Avengers/The Bourne Legacy
Characters: Clint Barton, Aaron Cross, Phil Coulson, mentions of Natasha Romanoff and Marta Shearing
Pairings: background Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, background Aaron Cross/Marta Shearing
Rating: PG-13
Length: 585 words
Genre: Family / Adventure / Hurt/Comfort
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Comments 7
The image of those three little boys playing in the prairie grass -- oh, my heart!
Fantastic job with this! I can only hope we'll see more from this 'verse!
Just like you I am a huge sucker for a happy end. That image of the three boys nearly broke my heart when it wheedled its way into my mind and it wouldn't let me go.
Thank you so, so much for your encouragement and the lovely comments! I love this 'verse, I love all the characters, and after I finished a certain AU, I'm sure to revisit this Brothers 'verse.
I love the guys (wanted to write the boys, bit damn that term is reserved for someone else, lol) laughing and oh I liked the 1st paragraph, where he is waking up and checking if everything works, dunny why, but I liked that! And the last image of the guys in the prairi grass, aww sad and sweet!
Loved this!
And now I guess I owe you a bit of nearly frozen!Dean, hmm? :-):-)
I'm so glad you loved it!!! *does happy dance* And those two parts were some of my faves in this chapter too :D
And you're damn right, you owe me fic :D:D:D Can't wait for it!
PS: I'd love to write more of them, but I need an inspiration, so if you have a brothers prompt, bring it! I know you're awesome with prompts :D But this time I want the girls to be involved too ;)
And as a matter of fact I do have a prompt. Hehheh....I will write it in an email, in the evening, because I have to go make lunch right now. But its without the girls, because blah, hate them, but you can still squeeze them in, its a flexible prompt! :-)
Email you in the evening!
P.S. the nearlyfrozenDean fic is done, it just needs A LOT of editing. But its basically done. I hope I will be able to post this week sometime. :-)
I'm so looking forward to your email then, really excited to see what you might have in store for them ;) And I'll squeeze in the girls, because I don't hate them and the guys love them, so... what can you do? *shrugs* ;)
Yay for nearlyfrozenDean fic :D:D:D:D What are you waiting for, edit!
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