
May 31, 2011 17:17

Title: Pouring
Author: sheneya
Fandom: Eureka
Pairing/Characters: Nathan/Jack
Rating/Category: NC-17/Slash
Prompt: It never rains, but it pours.
Warnings: Possible Dub-con, better safe than sorry on that one, sex and angst.

Written for smallfandomfest.

Author's Notes: My first ever Eureka fic, so I apologise in advance if it sucks.

Pouring )

nc-17, eureka, jack/nathan

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Comments 10

daria234 May 31 2011, 18:30:23 UTC
Thanks for posting! I enjoyed this fic a lot. Fargo's panic was hilarious and I always love Jack/Nathan yum! :)


sheneya May 31 2011, 21:44:02 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad it wasn't as bad as I expected.


kmoaton May 31 2011, 21:37:51 UTC
This was really good. I can't wait to see more from you!


sheneya May 31 2011, 21:45:47 UTC
Thank you, it was a prompt on smallfandomfest.

I'm only just getting back into writing again, so I'm glad it's not as bad as I thought it would be.


michellesorta June 4 2011, 03:36:55 UTC
:DDD So much flail right now. This fic was an all over YUM-fest.


sheneya June 4 2011, 05:40:21 UTC
Thank you, I did my best, but I was a little worried as it was my first Eureka fic.


jellybubble June 21 2011, 11:49:20 UTC
...part of me has a sneaking suspicion of m-preg resulting from this experience :D

Yay! Nice fic. I think Jack should wonder why his ass is sore if he can't remember though X)


sheneya June 21 2011, 11:58:43 UTC
Maybe, It was a oneshot, so I'll just leave it to people's imagination.

Glad you liked, though I think Jack was too worried about Nathan to worry about his own ouches, he seems kind of like the person to do that.

PS: there's more Macro's up if you're interested.


gallicka July 12 2011, 19:46:51 UTC
ooooh I like it I like it!!! *g*

I NEED MOAR fic where there's somehow a connection between Jack and the artifact. I mean there has to be something, when Carter had been in so close contact with it when he was near death and then got healed.


sheneya July 12 2011, 23:53:30 UTC
Glad you liked it.

Also, YAY, someone thinks like me, I so think Jack should have had more of a reaction after he was saved by the artifact, I mean he got saved by it, he was in the room when it made Carl's Lab explode, even if Carl did have longer exposure.

You can't even argue about altered timelines, because the first time Henry only went back far enough to save Kim, and Jack's exposure was way before Kim's death, and the second time Jack went back in time himself, so he wasn't affected by any changes to it.

Sorry, I've been thinking about this a lot.


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