Shelter Angst vs Schmoop Challenge: Rules Post

Aug 02, 2011 15:03

The Angst vs Schmoop Challenge is a team competition. Each round we will need people to sign up to write, either on Team Angst or Team Schmoop. A theme (for example, “betrayal”), will be chosen by one person from each team, who will then write and post their fic on the same scheduled day.

We will also need people who are willing to read and rate the fic, so if you’re not a writer in any particular round you can still participate. Additionally, we will need some people who are willing to pinch-hit.


Signing up:

1. Signing up for one round does not obligate you to participate in any other round.

2. The sign-up post will be made to the community asking you to sign up for a team: Team Angst or Team Schmoop.

a. The sign-up period will last for 5 days and teams will be formed on a first-come, first-served basis. (ie, if there are three people signed up for Team Schmoop, and five for Team Angst, and no one on Team Angst wants to switch over, the final two people to have signed up for Team Angst will not be eligible.)

b. We will need at least 6 people, 3 for each team, and would like to have at least one pinch-hitter, if possible. (If you have signed up for a team, you may not pinch hit.)

c. At this time I will also announce the week the fic will be due. If you will not be available to post at all during that week, please do not sign up for a team.

3. Once the teams have been assembled it’ll be time to choose your theme. I’ll make a post with the available themes, and each person who has signed up to write can choose the theme they want on a first-come, first-served basis.

a. If anyone doesn’t choose a theme within the allotted time period, the remaining themes will be arbitrarily assigned by me. Also, as soon as all but one of the prompts have been chosen by each team, the final prompt will be assigned by me ‘by default’ so that I can close the claiming period sooner and thus extend the writing period.

b. While it is not required that the person who will ultimately receive the final prompt by default reply to the theme post, and even though it may seem silly to reply merely to ‘claim’ the final prompt, the date and time stamp on your comment is the only thing I have to go by should there be any confusion over who claimed which prompt first, so I highly recommend that you do so if you have the opportunity.

c. At this time I will ask the authors if there is any day during the posting week that you will be unavailable (ie, away from home/away from the internet). Other types of posting conflicts may be taken into account if I am able. You must let me know about your posting conflict prior to the creation of the posting schedule or it will not be taken into consideration.

4. After themes have been assigned, I’ll post the posting schedule. The first fic will be due approximately one week from the day I post the schedule, and we will have two fic per day (one from Team Angst and one from Team Schmoop) from that day until the last fic has been posted.

Please note that once the posting schedule has been posted it will not be changed, so if you have scheduling issues, make sure I’m aware of them when you choose a theme (see 3 above).


5. Your fic must be at least 500 words long. There is no maximum length.

6. No WIPs. Your fic must be complete.

7. Your fic must stand alone. It may be part of an ongoing ‘verse, or a sequel, but it must be able to stand on its own so the reader is not required to read/have read previous parts.

8. Crossovers, fusion, AUs, etc, will be allowed, but please remember that this is Shelter challenge, so the fic should center on our favorite characters from the Shelter movie.

9. You may post your fic in your own journal or here at shelter_diner. If you post the fic in your own journal, you must post a link to the fic here at shelter_diner as well as include the following blurb in the fic post at your own journal so that your readers know to come here and take the poll:

This fic was written for the Shelter Angst vs Schmoop Challenge at . After you’ve read the fic, please rate it by voting in the poll located here. (Your vote will be anonymous.) Rate the fic on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best) using the following criteria: how well the fic fit the prompt, how angsty [or schmoopy] the fic was, and how well you enjoyed the fic. When you’re done, please check out the other challenge fic at . Thank you!

Also, if you post the fic in your own journal, please include the prompt and the team you’re writing for in your header so that the folk reading your fic may properly rate it.

10. You must post your fic by midnight the day it is due. (To make things easier for the writers, I’ll say midnight wherever you’re located. If that turns out too difficult to police, it will be changed to midnight my time, EST. The time stamp on your post/announcement here at shelter_diner will be used when determining whether a fic has been posted on the day it is due.) Pinch-hitters will have an extra 48 hours to post.

If you do not post your fic on the day it is due and you have not requested an extension due to a personal emergency, then you will be penalized: you will not be eligible to participate in the next round. This is for my sanity; it’s a real pain in the butt to have to deal with people dropping out without notice.

11. Please include the following in your subject line: Theme (Team Angst) or Theme (Team Schmoop), as the case may be.

12. Please include an appropriate header with at least the following information:

Pairing/Characters: (use full names rather than initials)
Rating/Category: (eg, NC17/Gen or R/Slash)
Spoilers: (if applicable)
Notes/Warnings: (if applicable)

13. You must include a link to the rating poll post for your theme in your fic post. I will post the polls the day before the fic are due to be posted, so check the comm for it.


14. Your rating is anonymous.

15. You do not have to rate one fic over the other. You are rating each fic on its own merits.

16. Rate each fic on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best). The criteria are:

a. how well the writer used the theme
b. how angsty/schmoopy the fic was
c. how much you liked it

17. Please only vote once in each poll. If you vote more than once, all of your votes will be disqualified.

18. Authors, please do not rate your own fic. If you do rate your own fic, all of your fic ratings for that round will be disqualified.

19. Rating for all stories will remain open for two days following the posting of the last story, including pinch-hit fic.


20. If you need to back out of the challenge, you must give me at least 24 hours notice prior to the day your fic is due. If you do not contact me, and you do not post your fic the day it is due, it will negatively affect the score your team receives, so please don’t leave the rest of your team hanging.

In addition, if you back out later than 24 hours prior to the date your fic is due, then you will be penalized: you will not be eligible to participate in the next round. This is for my sanity; it’s a real pain in the butt to have to deal with people dropping out without notice.

21. Pinch-hitters have 48 hours to write and post their fic.


22. You must be a member of the community to post, though not to comment and vote.

(Please note that the rules are very specific -- to the point of analness -- in some instances because of lessons learned and questions that arose when I ran this challenge in another fandom.)

{challenge} angst vs schmoop: rules, {challenge} angst vs schmoop

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