An Angel Beside Me (A YoonHae One-shot)

Aug 06, 2010 21:56

Title: An Angel Beside Me
Pairing/s: Yoona & Donghae, YoonHae <3
Word Count: 855
Author: shelovessushi
Notes: The title says it all; this is a super cheesy one. Don't blame me, it just came to my mind during one of my nosebleed Physics class. And sorry for the sudden change of perspective at the end of the fic--- I couldn't think of a better closure for the story.

An Angel Beside Me

Yoona drank the remainder of her mineral water in one gulp and crushed the bottle with her bare hands. She stared at the flattened plastic bottle and sighed in frustration, her eyebrows furrowing together.

Well, let’s just say that today wasn’t one of her best days.

It’s seldom when Im Yoona is in a bad mood. She’s usually the cheerful and happy-go-lucky type of person, but she’s human too isn’t she? The pressure and exhaustion was just wearing her off and all she wanted to have was a break.

She wanted to get out of everything--- even just for a while. All the scandals, issues and never-ending schedules were starting to get to her and if she could just rest for a while--- physically, mentally and emotionally, it’d be enough.

It was twelve am and she sat at a park bench with her hood carefully covering her head; it wasn’t as if she was afraid people would recognize her because the place was completely deserted, it was midnight after all.

Just sitting there by herself, she felt at peace. But nobody knows where she is. Actually, nobody knows that she quietly left the dorm in the middle of the night.

Everything that she goes through is too much to handle for a girl her age. And so, every time she needed space she’d come here for a breather.

Ever since she was little, her family would come here to bask in some fresh air and to relieve from the hustle and bustle of the busy city that is Seoul. She could still vaguely remember she and her sister running and playing around on the grassy part of the park as their laughter chime like tiny bells all over the place.

Thinking about these things makes her miss her family so much. How she wanted to go home right now and sleep peacefully on her own soft bed. She huffed, blowing away her hair from her face.

“Bad day?” Someone had whispered slyly behind her. Her heart stopped for a millisecond in surprise and thought that someone had discovered who she was. But the voice was all too familiar to her ears and she relaxed her stance, taking the hood off her head.

“Oppa you almost gave me a heart attack!” she told him clutching her chest. But Donghae only laughed heartily and plopped down beside her, he adjusted himself to make comfortable with the hard bench.

“It’s late Oppa what’re you doing her? I thought you have an early schedule tomorrow?” she asked him with one raised eyebrow.

“I should be asking you the same thing, shouldn’t I? Besides, I know for a fact that you only come here when something’s bothering you. Are you changing you’re mind now? About me, I mean.” he asked jokingly. Yoona smacked his arm and Donghae yelped in pain. Yoona was too strong for a girl.

“Oppa why do you always nag me about making the wrong choice. I’ve already told you a million times that you are the one that I want and not anybody else!” she said exasperatedly. Donghae put an arm around her and pulled her to him, she cuddled on his side. And just like that she was already feeling a lot better.

“Yoong, I just wanted to make sure. There are thousand more guys out there who would be better for you than me.”

“But Oppa I already made my choice ages ago and it’s you, it was always you. Neorago.” She teasingly told him as she did the ‘It’s You’ chest pump. Donghae laughed once more. Hearing his wonderful laugh lightened Yoona’s somber mood.

“Tell me Yoona. What’s been bothering you?” Donghae asked as he caressed her face gently. “You’re not reading worthless comments on the Internet again are you?” he added.

“No Oppa… I’m just… tired.” She said in barely a whisper as she felt his lips press on her hair.
“I know you are, I am too. But you’ve got to hold on Yoong.” He encouraged.

“Thank you Oppa, I’m glad you came.” She said placing a kiss on Donghae’s waiting lips.

“How did you know that I was here in the first place?” Yoona asked turning to face him.

“I just know Yoona.” He answered, Yoona wanted to argue but Donghae didn’t seem to be joking. So she nodded and went back to her old position with his arm around her shoulder and her head resting on his chest.

She could feel--- could hear his heart beating and she smiled to herself contentedly. She felt warm and fuzzy inside as she compelled in the fact that his heart was beating for her and only her. The silence around them was all too comforting; her eyes slowly shut and her breathing becomes even.

Donghae stared at the sleeping angel on his arms and let sleep consume him too. Screw his seven am schedule. And screw the consequences they’ll be facing tomorrow when people discovers them asleep in each other’s arms in public.

Because right now all he wants is to live like this forever.

Beside the girl that he loves.


pairing: donghae/yoona, fanfic

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