How YoonHae Came to Be: Just Say It Already! (Part 2 of 2)

Jul 09, 2010 23:27

Title: How YoonHae Came to Be: Just Say It Already!
Pairing/s: Yoona & Donghae, YoonHae <3
Author: shelovessushi
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction and my imagination.
Note to Readers: Thank you for all the kind comments. I appreciate it very much. You're words of encouragement are my inspiration.


Super Junior’s name skyrocketed to the top just as they promoted their second album. Kyuhyun was well from the accident now and everybody’s finally happy. SNSD’s debut was a success too, and the nine girls are slowly knitting their way to fame.

And just as SNSD debuted, Yoona’s celebrity love-line instantly multiplied. It wasn’t as if Donghae could avoid it couldn’t he? He could only live with the fact that Yoona is now an idol too and that she is indeed too pretty for her own good. He has to step up his game.

“Puberty was very kind with Yoona don’t you think? She grew up mighty fine.” Yesung whispered to Donghae as they watch Yoona and the other eight girls make their way to the stage. Donghae jabbed at his hyung’s ribs and he yelped in pain. He deserved that.

“What? I was just saying!” Sometimes Donghae asks himself why Yesung became the hyung and not him.

The Super Junior members monitored closely SNSD’s Into the New World performance in the Music Core dressing room’s television and they were all in awe. For a rookie group SNSD was synchronized from start to finish and their newfound fan base was cheering on top of their lungs.

Yoona was a good dancer. He’s seen her practice day and night with his own eyes and couldn’t deny how smooth of a dancer she was. That fact only made him love her more.

SNSD came back from the stage with there arms linked together chattering and giggling excitedly, the adrenaline from performing on front of hundreds of people still lingering.

Yoona caught Donghae’s eye and she smiled radiantly, he felt his insides do a somersault. She looked good bare faced but Yoona with her stage make up and costume on, no one is prettier than her.

Yoona. Yoona. Yoona. What is it about her that makes Donghae fall head over heels over and over again?

End of 2007

The main dancers of Super Junior and SNSD were practicing hard for a special stage in Music Bank. They rehearsed the choreography until late in the evening.

During their practice Yoona can’t help but notice Donghae’s intense stares and glimpses at her. At first she brushed it off thinking that she was only being paranoid, but as their practice progresses she was sure it wasn’t just paranoia.

What was wrong with him?


At exactly 9:55 in the evening they called it a night. They decided to have dinner but Yoona stayed behind to ‘pack her things up’ and told them that she’ll catch up later.

When she thought that the room was finally empty she exhaled a gust of wind and turned on the CD player. Music blared and she let the song soothe her spent body, slowly she let the rhythm control her and just like that she was dancing. When the song came to a close she was panting.

What she didn’t know was that someone was watching her all along. He stood there leaning on the doorframe of the practice room; his eyes were solely fixed at the amazing girl dancing on the middle of the dimly lit room. The music came to an end and he saw her sit on the floor in shaky breaths. As if she could feel his eyes on her, her head snapped to his direction.

“Oppa!” she exclaimed in surprise. Was he here the whole time?

“That was… something Yoong.” He complimented as he approached her. Yoona blushed.

“That wasn’t meant for anybody to see. What are you doing here?” she questioned.

“You were taking so long so I came back to check on you, but apparently you were more than okay.”

“I was just relieving some stress.” She said, chagrined.

“I know. You don’t have to be ashamed of it, I sometimes do that too you know.” He reassured. “And honestly it helps.” He added as an afterthought.

They didn’t talk much after that. The comfortable silence was lulling Yoona to sleep but the feeling of being stared intensely was there yet again. She snapped out of her trance and glanced at Donghae.

“You’re staring again.” She told him. Donghae blinked once, twice then shook his head.

“I’m sorry.” He sheepishly apologized. “I just wanted to ask you something.” It felt like it was the right time to ask.

“Shoot.” Was her reply.

“Uh…” How was he going to put it to words? I’ve loved you since you were fourteen, will you please go out with me? It seemed like that line wasn’t going to work anytime. For the first time Donghae was lost for words.

“Yes?” Yoona pressed on. Why was she suddenly feeling expectant?

“Yoona if ever… do you want to go on a date with me?” his question made him seem bold but truthfully his heart stopped all together as he waited for her response. Will she reject him?

On the other hand, Yoona’s ears perked up. Was she hearing things right? Was she hallucinating?
Her whole being was rejoicing, her insides were doing cartwheels and her heart was ready to come out off her chest. For more than three years she had been following him around, hoping that someday he’d see her as something more.

And here he was standing in front of her looking so unsure of his own self. He resembled a little kid persisting his mom for some cookies with big pleading eyes.

A radiant smile graced her features as she nodded and uttered a soft “Yes.”

Donghae’s insides were jumping for joy but he tried to keep his cool and smiled instead. It felt as if Super Junior just won a Daesang award but even better. He wanted to scream on top of his lungs right then and there.

Despite the ‘No dating rule’ that the company had implied years before, idols still secretly dated each other anyway.

It seemed like hours… days… centuries… as they stared only at each other with huge smiles on their faces. There were no words but somehow they understood each other. They had understood each other from the very beginning.

“Let’s go? We don’t want our friends to worry don’t we?” Donghae asked after they came back to reality. Yoona nodded. He helped her stand up to her feet and took her heavy bags on the bench. Always the gentleman.

They walked side by side as they made their way to the restaurant. It was as if the world was exultant for them; the stars sparkled brightly above them and the air felt nice.

Donghae glanced at Yoona through his peripheral vision and he saw her staring at him too. They shared a smile and simultaneously looked away shyly.

He hoped. No. Prayed that things between them would go smoothly. Yoona was much too important to loose and hurting her would shatter both of their hearts.

He set aside the negative thoughts and concentrated on some more important things; how was he going to plan the perfect date for Yoona?

Well, thirteen heads are always better than one right?


Yoona fiddled with the hem of her white dress nervously as she caught sight of her own reflection on the giant mirror set on the lobby of Super Junior’s dorm.

She stared at herself and let out a shaky breath. Her hair was done in simple loose curls courtesy of Yuri unnie and she borrowed a dress from Sica unnie. As expected she wore no make up. Setting aside her nervous pallid face she looks does good. That was what her unnies kept on telling her anyway and she trusts them.

Because of Yoona and Jessica’s height difference it made the dress look shorter on her. But of course it’s Yoona we’re talking about, anything she wears looks good on her. Besides, she has sky-high legs to die for why not flaunt it?

She got on the elevator and pressed a button. She was nervous as hell and the elevator music wasn’t helping at all, it was in loop mode and it was totally annoying.

When she finally arrived in front of Super Junior’s dorm she took a calming breath and pressed the doorbell.

At exactly eight seconds Donghae opened the door. Yoona smiled at him and he smiled back, his expression in awe.

She looked prettier than ever.



She had no make up on, he can tell. But of course she still looks dashing. And oh god her legs, it was endless and it took all his might not to stare at it.

“Uhm… Are we just gonna stand here and stare?” Yoona asked amusingly as she noticed Donghae gawking at her.

Thank you Yuri unnie and Sica unnie! She thought.

Donghae shook his head and snapped out of his staring as he sheepishly let her in.

“I did everything I can with the dorm but I hope you’ll like it.” He told her worriedly. All day long he and the other members decorated and cleaned the dorm. He even asked Wookie to cook dinner for them and even persuaded Heechul hyung to stop by a convenient store to buy candles and table napkins.
Donghae wanted everything to be perfect. For her.

An hour before their ‘date’ he made sure to kick out everyone from the room and even bought popcorns and DVDs with his own money just to keep the members companied upstairs.

A few minutes before Yoona’s arrival he caught Heechul hyung and Kangin hyung sneeking back with cameras on hand.

When Yoona finally saw how he decorated the room she had her jaw hanging. It was beautiful. Everything seemed planned and taken care of.

“Beautiful.” She had whispered. The table was covered with rose petals and two candles sat on the middle dimly litting the whole kitchen.

“Yes you are, seriously.” Donghae blurted out as he helped her to her seat.
“Thank you.” She said, pleased.

The food was amazing of course. Ryeowook was a master at that.

They talked about random things. Their family, group mates, dorm life, gruesome practices, the ELFs and the Sones. Basically they talked about everything. Their laughter never died and their smiles couldn’t be wiped off their faces. The scene was just too perfect.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend Yoong?” There it was. The dreaded question.

“I used to have a childhood sweetheart, and that was that.” Yoona answered, ashamed. She was unexperienced in the dating area to be honest.

Good. Donghae thought hiding his satisfaction from her answer.

Everything was a blur after that. But Yoona could vaguely remember that after the amazing dinner Donghae had subtly put an arm around her as they watched a movie in the living room. There was zero awkwardness between them and Yoona thinks it’s perfect.

But the night had to end rather quickly than they wanted it to. Both of them have early schedules the next day and so Donghae had to make sure that Yoona is home before midnight.

He brought her home with his own car and they sat inside in complete. They would glance at each other every now and then and stare at the bright streets of Seoul afterwards.

When they arrived in her dorm building he gentlemanly escorted her to SNSD’s floor and stopped in front of her doorstep.

“So… this is it then. Good night Oppa I really had fun.” She said a bit disappointed. Was this really it then?

She did a ninety-degree bow and turned around to open the door when Donghae suddenly pulled her hand to face him. Yoona’s eyes were wide in surprise as she waited for him speak.

“Yoona… I’m telling you this now because I don’t know if I’d get the chance to again.” He told her raking his hands through his hair nervously.

“What is it?”

“Yoona I’ve loved you since you literally came bumping into my life. I know it doesn’t show but I think about you every day and night that the hyungs are staring to think that I’m turning crazy.” Donghae rambled on.

Yoona only smile and silenced him by pressing her lips on his. The kiss was like no other. Fireworks were erupting in both their heads as Yoona’s arms circle around Donghae’s neck and as he pulls her closer with his hands on her tiny waist.

They had to let go for the sake of oxygen and their breathing were labored.

Donghae leaned his head on hers as he murmured, “Does that mean that you love me too?”

“I always had Oppa.” She answered back and they kissed again.

They parted ways with the promise of calling each other the next day. He thought he heard eight screaming girls when Yoona closed the door but he just laughed it off while shaking his head.
He hoped this night was not a hallucination.


Silence. Darkness.

The scene they were beholding was confusing. Frightening.

Nine girls stood on stage of the Dream Concert singing and dancing with all their might in front of thousands and thousands of silent audience. On the side of the boycotting crowd was a tiny cluster of Pink River cheering on top of their exhausted lungs.

Just now Jessica’s voice broke as Sunny stood to the side not bothering to dance anymore because of her shock and hurt. It was a nightmare. The girls didn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment.

The idols backstage watched with the same expressions. Concern. Distress.
What was happening?

Donghae stood to his feet getting ready to go on stage when Leeteuk suddenly put a restraining hand on his back. A serious look was on his face.

“Hae, don’t.”

“How can I stand here and not do anything?” Donghae almost shouted.

“Nothing will change their minds right now Hae, the only thing we can do is support the girls.” Leeteuk said worriedly.

“What is happening outside hyung?” Yunho approached them.

“I don’t know.” Leeteuk shook his head a pained expression on his features.

‘Oridago noriji marayo- WONDER GIRLS!’ the crowd chanted but still SNSD continued on with their performance as professional as they could.

The music finally ended and the girls came back from the stage with their arms linked, impeded tears started to flow freely as they held each other for support. Donghae instantly looked for Yoona as the other Super Junior members started to approach and comfort them.

And there she was looking as vulnerable as ever running to his open arms while sobbing. He wrapped her in his arms tightly as he let her cry away all the hurt. She sobbed again on his chest and he whispered words of comfort. His heart was breaking too.

He looked around and saw that DBSK was comforting the girls now too.

The people don’t hate them. No.

He knows that this was just a test from God to see how strong SNSD are as individuals. The people will soon move on and see how great SNSD are. And how great Yoona is.

But right now what Yoona needs is Donghae.

He kissed the top of her head as he whispered, “Everything’s going to be alright Yoong, I won’t leave you.” As Yoona looked up to show him a watery smile.

“Thank you Oppa.” She murmured wiping her puffy eyes.

“You do know that I love you right?” He asked her.

Yoona nodded weakly. “I love you too.” She answered back as Donghae pulled her closer to his chest pressing his lips to her pretty forehead.

Yes, everything’s going to be alright.


Sorry Sorry became a huge hit and so was Gee.

Both Donghae and Yoona were busy with their respective promotions. They would often see each other on different music shows but their interactions were always careful and subtle.

Word is that some fans were becoming suspicious with the two of them and suddenly the word YoonHae came sprouting like mushrooms on different sites on the Internet.

Of course Donghae was pleased. He was glad that there are some fans who support ‘YoonHae’ and that finally someone legit gets linked to Yoona.


They were crowded in the Music Bank dressing room waiting for their turn as they watched SNSD perform Genie on stage. The reactions of the members from the girls’ new concept were somewhat amusing.

Some of them had their eyes bulging from the short-shorts that the girls were sporting and some of them tried to revert their eyes anywhere but their exposed legs.

Donghae was fighting the urge to whisk away Yoona as she performed in front of hundreds and thousands of drooling men. She was too innocent for this.

Albeit the catchy song, the dance routine and the outfits were emphasizing their legs too much and the malicious stares of the male audience was making Donghae uncomfortable.

But under the circumstances he really is secretly dating one of the most sought out female celebrity in the whole of Korea. And that he has to share her with the eyes of all the male species in the world.

That was a fact that he has to live with no matter how he detests the idea.

It’s a comfort thought that he knows and is sure of that Yoona only has eyes for him. They are Mr. and Ms. Fishy afterall.


“So… YoonTaec huh?” Donghae had asked her surreptitiously one day in the practice room.

Yoona raised her perfect brows at him as she resumed her warm ups.

“What are you trying to say Oppa?” she asked as he joined her stretching. They stared at each other through the giant mirrors on the wall.

“Nothing.” He said innocently.

“Oppa don’t tell me it bothers you.” She grinned like a Cheshire cat. As selfish as it may seem Yoona likes it when Donghae gets jealous.

He sighed resignedly.

“I know it’s scripted Yoong, but the way he looks at you on television just raises goose bumps on me.” He admitted. Yoona stopped her stretching now as she faced him and wrapped her arms around his extra-toned body. He hugged her back.

“Oppa it’s nothing. And I think he knows something about us, hell I think a lot of people knows about us they’re just moral enough to keep quiet about it.”

“I trust you Yoong. It’s just that a lot of men are lining up for you, are you sure I’m the one you really want?”

“Silly Oppa. Of course it’s you, always have always will.” She answered pecking him lightly on the lips. As cliché as it might sound everything she said was true.

Her kisses were different every time but all of it was always perfect. It always makes him crave for more.

“Thank you Yoong.” He suddenly said pulling her in his arms. She looked up at him through her long lashes. Beautiful.

“For what?”

“For living, for breathing, for waking up ever day. For everything.” He pulled her towards him.
They stood with their arms around each other for a while when Yoona suddenly spoke.

“To be honest Sunye/Donghae couple looks good too.” She said jokingly.

Donghae playfully glared at her but Yoona only kissed once more.

It was times like this when Yoona and Donghae bask in on how lucky they are to have each other.
Through the busy halls of SM they had accidentally bumped into each other and that was how they met not realizing that someday they’ll share something special that not everybody gets to have.

In tears and in laughter they were inseparable. To think that the company prohibited dating their only option was to date secretly. They have to be careful around everything.

In a cliché note it’s ‘Yoona and Donghae against the world.’ But when it’s YoonHae they’ve got nothing to worry about.

Yoong and Hae are just perfect like that.


What do you think? Was it disappointing? I hope not. Please comment! v(^_^)v

pairing: donghae/yoona, fanfic

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