Terra Nova valentines fic: Why

Feb 08, 2012 12:33

Author: ShellyStark
Fandom: Terra Nova/Lucky
Title: Why?
Rating: PG13...I guess
Summary...For the valentines challenge at thankyou_bucket

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skye tate, lucas taylor, lucas/skye, terra nova, fic

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Comments 13

jemmalynette February 8 2012, 18:13:43 UTC
Oooh this was fabulous, I like how you interpreted the prompt. Oh poor Lucas, poor Skye! Beautiful job!


shellystark February 8 2012, 20:34:19 UTC
Oooo It has been eating at me sooo long, nasty little bunny with such a pretty prompt, i wanted to write something fluffy I did, but no, brain wouldn't let that happen :D but am sooo glad you liked!


jenna_98 February 8 2012, 21:13:26 UTC
i normally hate lucas/skye stories cause i like josh and skye. But this was AMAZING!
i'm literally crying it was so sad.
But i can't believe taylor let him back into the colony - lucas killed wash! But then you feel sorry for lucas.
anyway loved the fix!!! =)


shellystark February 8 2012, 21:19:51 UTC
Yea...I have a huge soft spot for Lucas lol. And I think Wash is still alive. A lot of us do. It was a sonic...you never saw they bury her, its a big mystery, but yea...I think she's alive. It made me cry too, and it takes a lot to make myself cry, poor babies, had to make them leave each other. I have no beef with lucas/josh peeps, just can't see them with each other. His girl just died and all, not that we all didn't see that coming lol. Poor Kara, poor everyone!


jenna_98 February 8 2012, 21:24:31 UTC
i hope wash is alive.
it was frustrating at the end of the episode they didn't care where her bodies. I think she's alive, well at least hope.


shellystark February 8 2012, 21:46:21 UTC
Yup, that's all we can do is hope....hope for wash and hope for a fuckin second season!...sorry I lost my marbles there a little bit.


karanina February 8 2012, 23:26:48 UTC
*sniffs* ok, crying at work is not a good sign! Their relationship is really this tragic though! I liked your interpretation of the prompt.


shellystark February 9 2012, 05:38:20 UTC
oh sure it is, everyone needs a good cry lol. I love their f*ed up relationship!


heartofthenight February 9 2012, 01:32:21 UTC
this was really good. they hurt so pretty. the ending was my favorite, I have to say. I could totally see it playing out. thank you for angsty vday fic!


shellystark February 9 2012, 05:39:50 UTC
I just love it! It's like oh, oh, happy happy ending...wait, no, its not, its a crappy ending bwahahhahahahah I'm sooo bad lol. I love my angst, and glad you liked!


vaarna February 9 2012, 17:27:19 UTC
Damn you. You really are the queen of farkfic. Writing this when it's almost Valentine's Day? CRUEL, no beyond cruel.

But so very brilliant. /has mixed feelings


shellystark February 10 2012, 00:18:49 UTC
what can I say? dark!fic and I are old friends lol! And I love it being close to valentines day! maybe I'll do a fluffy one...altough, this was supposed to have a fluffy ending...then things happened!


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