Well. Interesting day. Actually that's not entirely true, it's been mostly very boring with the odd interesting bit. Sent faxes, checked addresses, drank coffee. Etc. I managed to leave the house without my iPod or my USB memory stick, both of which items I usually count as basic necessities for my survival. But I managed. I am reading The Left
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Comments 20
And your brother and family! Argh. What to say?
What was in the ebay parcel??
Feather-dusting cock. Does Flylady know??
I know... and yet it all becomes strangely normal after a while. One can only sigh heavily and go on to speak of Belgian waffles.
What was in the ebay parcel??
Um. obscure canadian film i bought for no ulterior motive whatsoever.
(Whatnot. Goodgood.)
My sympathies regarding your brother, I hope he gets the help he needs.
Re: 9/11 fridge magnet - be glad you're not living in NY - every other car has a 9/11 bumper sticker, every other place of business has a flag and/or a 9/11 sign, or sticker, or t-shirt, or something.
Re: Belgian waffles...you GO girl!!
Re: Ursula LeGuin...she seems interesting enough in the bookstore but have never brought her home.
Memory stick = sometimes called a USB key, or pen, or flash drive. You stick it in your USB port and save stuff on it.
Do read The Earthsea Quartet if you get the chance - I loved it.
Oooh, I didn't even know you could get those!!!
/tongue in cheek
Family stuff sounds ick. Families are a very traumatic thing. Thanksfully the worst thing I have to worry about with mine currently is how much Master Swift's sub-woofer is making the house reverberate as he shoots virtual things.
I want to ask about men dusting things with their cocks but probably shouldn't.
And really, I must make some kind of effort to get this wool to you sometime this century.
Feel free to chuck the wool over any time you like.
*squeezes you firmly*
I am off for my own early night as I am knickered knackered knockered noo [to quote me mother].
*squeezes some more*
I honestly don't think it occurs to them that I might like to know things. Or maybe they think that, as they know, I automatically absorb the knowledge along with them... weird.
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