Paradox: The Penny/Sheldon Ship Manifesto

Feb 11, 2009 20:44

Fandom: The Big Bang Theory

Pairing: Penny/Sheldon

Spoilers: From the beginning of the series up until Season 2 Episode 13: The Friendship Algorithm.

Disclaimer: I do not own the television series, the network, or the actors. If I did, this pairing would be a lot more prominent within the series. Having said that, I am deeply grateful to the writers for giving us, the fans, such an awesome show to love and play with.

Sheldon: I need your help in a matter of semiotics.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: Semiotics, the study of signs and symbols as a branch of the philosophy related to linguistics.
Penny: Okay, honey, I know you think you are explaining yourself, but you're really not. (S01E5 The Hamburger Postulate)

In the world of sitcoms, The Big Bang Theory is set apart by being not only funny, but highly intelligent as well. It doesn't rely on cheap gimmicks and obvious ploys to get a few laughs, but rather on the complex relationships and interactions between the characters, which are among the most creative seen on basic cable. Recently awareness has been drawn to an unlikely pairing within this universe. While the writers insist on drawing attention to the increasingly unlikely, not to mention unappealing, pairing of Leonard and Penny, fans are being drawn to the undeniable chemistry and hints of attraction of Penny and Sheldon. We love Penny for her tenacity and we love Sheldon for his adorable awkwardness. More then that, we, the fans, love them for what they bring to the show when they're onscreen together.

...why I love [it] is because Sheldon and Penny both seem to be growing and evolving as people because of EACH OTHER. - arabian

I don't know how, but she is cheating! Nobody can be that attractive and this good at a videogame. (Sheldon in S01E7 The Dumpling Paradox)

Penny is a beautiful waitress and struggling actress that moves into the apartment across from two super geniuses, Leonard and Sheldon, following her break up with her boyfriend of four years.

A self-declared 'big ole 5' on the relationship aggressor scale, she rebounds easily and will have 36 hours bouts of meaningless sex with random men she picks up. Penny quickly forms an unlikely bond with the duo and their two friends, Raj and Howard, providing a socially competent and outgoing counterbalance to their geeky tendencies. She is a social person and enjoys spending time with her friends, whether it's dancing with the girls or playing Halo with the boys, and finds the idea of Saturday night wasted 'more than a little sad'. It is a well known fact that Leonard has had a crush on her since the beginning of the series, culminating in a single date at the end of season 1. However, their brief relationship ended and there has thankfully been no further progression since, mostly owing to Penny herself.

Sheldon: (asking Penny not to think of Leonard as a sexual partner) I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido.
Penny: I could think about you ...
Sheldon: Whatever works. (S02E9 The White Asparagus Triangulation)

Sheldon Cooper is a theoretical physicist with a Masters and two PhDs. He is highly intelligent, with an IQ of 187 something he often feels needs to pointed out to others. A former child prodigy, having graduated high school and started university at a young age, becoming a visiting professor to Germany by age 15. His parents, not quite sure on how exactly how their cuckoo bird of a son came to be, tried to give him a normal childhood by hosting birthday parties and gifting him with a dirt bike, but Sheldon was never interested in these things and often regards them as "traumatic". Sheldon displays many common signs of Asperger's syndrome, such as social incompetence, lack of empathy, inflexibility in his schedule, verbosity, and literal interpretations of urban slang. As well, he exhibits signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, such as the need to knock on Penny's door three times while saying her name three times, the need to arrange his cereal by fiber content and a preoccupation with hygiene.

Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence.(Sheldon in S01E4 The Luminous Fish Effect)

Every person has their own opinions. However, as every true scientist knows, it is the hard, factual evidence that lends credence to a theory and turns a hypothesis into fact. So now I present my favorite part of the manifesto: episodical evidence. I am not actually sure if episodical is a real word, but for the purpose of this essay it fits and therefore I'm using it. The evidence is huge and overwhelming, so I have compiled a list of what are, in my opinion, the best Sheldon/Penny moments in The Big Bang Theory universe. This list is by no means comprehensive or complete, nor does it include samples from every episode. These are simply the best and the most obvious that come to mind.

1x1 Pilot:

Personally it was all the little look up and down's they both do - really look at the Pilot again where Sheldon is showing Penny his board. Seriously there is some EYEFLIRTING. It was so weird! - thelymachy

In this episode, Penny and Sheldon meet for the first time. It is clear from the outset that Sheldon is reluctant to be introduced to the pretty new girl across the hallway, yet despite his stubborn personality, he allows Leonard to drag him along. Shortly after their introduction, we catch our first glimpse of the chemistry between Penny and Sheldon when she enters their apartment. In a somewhat flirtatious and coy manner, Penny questions Sheldon about his whiteboard, asking him if he's one of those "beautiful mind genius types". Seeing the playful banter between them, Leonard jealously points out his board to Penny, hoping for the same type of attention that she was giving Sheldon. Unfortunately for Leonard, it was not as forthcoming. One must also point out that when Sheldon tells Penny she's sitting in his seat, she again begins to playfully flirt with him, saying he can sit next to her. In my opinion, the writers did a far better job flirting with the relationship between Penny and Sheldon than they did with Leonard and Penny.

1x2 The Big Bran Hypothesis:

I love how in the pilot Penny seemed to like Sheldon and then he cleans her apartment and well, she doesn't like him so much anymore - irrel

The Big Bran Hypothesis begins to show us the tension and banter between Penny and Sheldon that we have come to love so much. It also establishes some of Sheldon's more annoying tendencies, namely his need for order. After helping Leonard deliver some furniture to Penny's apartment, Sheldon is overwhelmed by the mess he sees within. He is compelled to sneak into her apartment later that night, while she is sleeping, in order to "implement a new organizational paradigm". Penny is, quite understandably, upset when she wakes up the next morning and realizes what he has done. Leonard forces Sheldon to go and apologize to Penny for what he did, which Sheldon does with much reluctance. But why would someone like Sheldon allow himself to be forced into an apology? We've seen enough of his behaviour to know that he is stuck in his ways and holds fast to his opinions when he believes he is right. Does he simply apologize out of friendship, or is there a deeper reason why? Perhaps all the blatant eye flirting in the previous episode got to him. Just something to think about.

1x7 The Dumpling Paradox:

Sheldon saw and acknowledged how attractive Penny is. Asexual, my buttocks! - arabian

This episode contains what is, in my opinion, one of the golden moments of Sheldon and Penny. When Howard gets distracted by a girl from Penny's past, the guys find themselves short one player on Halo night. Preferring to not be in her apartment with Howard and his new paramour, Penny volunteers to join the game, and following several of Sheldon's usual derisive comments, thoroughly kicks Sheldon's ass. This leads to Sheldon's declaration that she's cheating because, after all, no one could be that attractive and that good at video games. This leads us to question whether or not this was a simple off the cuff remark or, perhaps, a Freudian slip.

1x11 The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Oh my, he IS annoying. And adorable at the same time! How can she resist him?- irrel

I rank this episode number two among my top five favorite television episodes of all time, directly following that brilliant season 4 episode of Lost, The Constant. Why do I rank it so high up? Number one, it clearly shows that despite their constant banter and arguing, Penny truly does care for Sheldon. Otherwise, why would she waste time driving him home from the restaurant and rubbing Vaporub on his chest? I believe she does this because he is so pathetically annoying when he is sick, that she can't help but feel some measure of sympathy. The second reason I rank it so high is because the writers left us with an interesting idea. Why did Sheldon mention the idea of a sponge bath to Penny in the first place?

1x15 The Pork Chop Indeterminancy

If nothing ever happens between Sheldon and Penny I'm gonna cry. Seriously. Too much greatness wasted - mellita8

The Pork Chop Indeterminancy certainly has its quality Penny/Sheldon moments, but it is included in this list for one reason only: Pennys quality bonding time with Sheldon's sister, Missy. They seem to get along quite well and one can only hope Missy sees Penny as a 'suitable mate' for her socially awkward twin brother.

1x16 The Peanut Reaction

They have no patience for each other, but yet they put up with each other in a totally fun and bizzarely cute way. - sellega

There is no doubt that the writers intended this episode to be a sweet Penny/Leonard episode. After all, what could be sweeter then Penny throwing a surprise birthday party for the geek with an everlasting infatuation with her?

Penny and Sheldon planning the surprise party, for one thing. Penny and Sheldon shopping for a birthday gift at the local computer store, for another. In actual fact, this episode does a superb job in showing viewers how Penny and Sheldon would act, were they a couple. From the way Sheldon answers the door of her apartment when Howard and Raj show up to the way Penny pushes Sheldon out of the computer store so that they're not late, they are all very telling habits that easily recall the sociological paradigm of 'boyfriend and girlfriend'. And let us also not forget that Sheldon allows Penny to fall asleep in his spot on the couch while they're waiting for Leonard to show up, nor should we forget how he curls up and naps in the chair beside her.

2x3 The Barbarian Sublimation

We've seen now that Penny herself can get just as crazy as Sheldon can, and be just as stubborn. - chunkeymonkey81

The Barbarian Sublimation is rife with Penny/Sheldon interaction right from the beginning straight on though to the end. It opens with Sheldon being interrupted from his computer game by a frustrated Penny who is unable to open the door to her apartment. When she breaks down and begins crying in the hallway, he awkwardly comforts her and invites her into their apartment to wait for a locksmith, providing a glimpse of the affection Sheldon could hold for her. The next scene we see of Sheldon and Penny involves them sitting on a couch with Sheldon leaning quite close into her, teaching her how to play Age of Conan. The banter between them has lost some of its sting and can be described more as "friendly" than "biting". Let us also not forget the jealousy in Leonard's voice as he asks to be caught up with this new occurrence. It is not, in fact, the only time we see Leonard jealous of the pair. There was also the scene wherein Penny sneaks into Sheldon's bedroom for help with the game. While this event is special in and of itself (after all, Penny is in Sheldon's room), it is the sexual nature of the conversation Leonard overhears that pushes this scene into the shipping lanes. Can the writer's really not be aware of what they have done? Can they not be aware of how it appears to outsiders when Penny calls Sheldon at work (much like a girlfriend might, and how did she get his work number anyway?) and blows off other men in favour of talking to him? I think not.

2x6 The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem

Penny/Sheldon have fire, sweetness and a quirky charm! One of the best couples on tv today! - selphiealmasy8

I include this episode because of the golden scene in which Ramona, the new grad student who has expressed and interest in Sheldon's work, accuses Penny of having a crush on Sheldon. Penny certainly does not agree with Ramona's assessment, but neither does she vehemently deny it either. In fact, it is this author's opinion that she seems rather gleeful when Ramona is thrown out of Sheldon's apartment. We must also remember how Sheldon pleads with Penny to save him from Ramona's clutches. It is the pleading that turns this from a Sheldon/Penny-lite episode into one we shippers can happily drink to.

2x7 The Panty Pinata Polarization

It's something I call the Han Solo/Princess Leia Effect, lol. No one else manages to get them quite as riled up as each other. - sugah66

There is no example of the love between our two favorite characters more clear then the constant arguing that ensues the moment they step into a room together. Penny begins spending a lot of time at the guys’ place after her cable is cut. However, after Sheldon bans her from the apartment for a series of petty infractions (touching his food, sitting in his spot, and sending him email humor), Penny hits back by taunting him at the Cheesecake Factory. Sheldon goes to the extreme of hanging her laundry from a telephone wire outside the apartment, leading Penny to get her revenge using Sheldon's Kryptonite--his mother's phone number. Sheldon's mother calls him and forces him to apologise to Penny, which he does in the most contrite, sweet way possible. One can only imagine what his mother must have said to him. Of course, the premiere moment comes when Sheldon acknowledges that it was "well-played". It is this author's opinion that any such interaction between these two characters is "well-played" by the writers.

2x11 The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis

There have been a lot of weird pseudo-romcom situations with Sheldon and Penny this season - melanierain

Oh Saturnalia, how we love thee! If only for the wonderful episode you brought us! True, Penny buys Leonard a Christmas gift as well as Sheldon, but it's the thought that counts, right? I'm certain we can all see who Penny thought of more. Unfortunately, seeing the gifts beforehand left Sheldon with an obligation to buy Penny one in return, so he drags Raj and Howard to the mall to choose an appropriate present. While in the store, he asks the store clerk if the particular gift he has chosen suggests friendship, colleagues, or more then friends, lovers perhaps? Lovers? Where did that come from?

Upon opening Penny's gift, which turns out to be a napkin autographed by Leonard Nimoy, he feels he is unable to truly pay her back. In fact, the only true payback is an awkwardly sweet hug.

It's a Saturnalia miracle!

2x13 The Friendship Algorithm

I think not only the writers noticed Sheldon's popularity, but his chemistry with Penny's character. It's pretty hard to ignore. - chunkeymonkey81

In this Sheldon/Penny lite episode, Sheldon makes everyone fill out a friendship questionnaire. While this in and of itself is not shocking (it is Sheldon after all), the fact that he includes Penny in his group of friends might be surprising to some. After compiling the results, he tells his friends he has to let one of them go. Penny assumes it will be her because she's not as smart as the others, but Sheldon assures her she's staying and it is Raj who is let go. It is interesting to note that Sheldon never actually gives Penny a reason why she remained in the group. One can only assume it is for a reason other than her intellect, as it would be difficult for anyone to compete with multiple-degree holding geniuses. But if it's not her intellect, then what is it? Her good looks? Her sense of humour? Her social intellect? I propose Sheldon opted to keep her in the group because she is one of the few individuals that openly challenges him and will not back down when he argues. Unlike his other friends, she openly defies his ordely system and brings change into his life. Perhaps Sheldon has begun to see that change just might be a good thing. Especially if it comes in the form of a cheesecake scented goddess.

Penny: Get anything good?
Sheldon: Just the latest copy of Applied Particle Physics Quarterly.
Penny: Oh, you know, that is so weird that yours came and mine didn't! (S01E9: The Cooper-Hoftstadter Polarization)

...that's how you know your show is not like the others: the underdog is the popular one and the shippers of the canon are the ones with reasons to complain - mellita8

As I conclude this manifesto I feel it is necessary to sum up why Penny and Sheldon are the unofficial OTP in The Big Bang universe. Penny and Sheldon work on so many levels because they are not perfect. They argue and bicker. Penny will always sit in Sheldon's seat, despite knowing he hates it. Sheldon will always knock three times on Penny's door to ask her advice or to drive him somewhere. But Penny and Sheldon, despite their quirks, do seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company. They like to banter, not because they don't like each other, but because it is who they are and this is what makes it so wonderful. We the fans like them because of the chemistry, the witty dialogue, and the feeling that when Penny and Sheldon are in a scene together, all is right in the universe of The Big Bang Theory.

It's like some weird kind of comic book crossover.(Raj in S02E3 - The Barbarian Sublimation)

Here's a few resources to help you navigate the world of Sheldon and Penny, as well as The Big Bang Theory.

The Sheldon/Penny livejournal community: The site that originally drew me to the Sheldon/Penny verse. I don’t know how I stumbled upon it, but I will forever be grateful I did. There are some great resources on the site, including video clips and screenshots.

The Sheldon/Penny Fanfiction community: Is it surprising that the only Big Bang Theory community, thus far, on is dedicated to Penny and Sheldon? At the time of this writing, greater then 50% of the stories on The Big Bang Theory archive are dedicated to this couple.

The Sheldon/Penny Fanfiction forum: Recently started, this forum is for the discussion of all things Penny and Sheldon. It also is the inspiration for the name of this essay.

The Big Bang Theory on CBS: The official website. Lots of great episode info, forums, and photos.

Note: The title for this manifesto was lovingly taken from the name of mrsv's forum.

discussion: general

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