This week's Meta Monday subject is Sheldon Cooper. As we watch The Big Bang Theory, we decide certain things about characters. Some things are vague; some are specific, detailed. What is your "personal canon" on Sheldon?
A few weeks ago, I began putting together character profiles for The Big Bang Theory in the hope that writing out my ideas and thoughts about the characters would help in the process of writing stories. Here's what I wrote for Sheldon. This should give you an idea of what we mean by "personal canon." These are just my ideas for Sheldon; they're still in the works.
doctor sheldon cooper, PhD
→ showed an aptitude for complex logic significantly before the typical age; his parents briefly considered that Missy was developing slowly, but realized quickly that Sheldon was developing quickly
→ developed an introverted personality to balance Missy's extraverted one; claims he saw this as the only reasonable way to ensure that sibling rivalry didn't interfere
→ does, however, admit that some of his “early life choices” were the result of sibling rivalry, circa age five
→ possesses a “distinct monomaniac interest in certain TV-series” (as well as comic books); it's through fiction that Sheldon indulges the “trivial human emotions” he has been unable to void
→ his only genuine bond with his father was over Star Trek; his ability to grasp the concepts matched his father's very young; he quickly decided that the Vulcan way of life was a reasonable one (control emotions so that they do not control you)
→ believes that science is “knowledge void of emotion”; like the fictional Star Trek race's key philosophy, science offers a “way out”
→ “sees” sentences in his head as composes/speaks them (grammar, punctuation)
→ dealt with feelings-leaning-toward-inferiority while in university by studying thesauruses and dictionaries so that he can convey the knowledge his brain contains
→ his feelings toward family and friends are as follows:
- Family: Feels a kinship that he considers imperative for human survival; certainly feels connected to his sister; believes that his mother is due certain distinct respect; felt the least for his father (could never shake the feeling that despite his astounding genius, his father felt disappointment regarding him; now regrets how he regarded his father); doesn't know whether he needs to carry on the traditional familial paradigm in his life
- Leonard: Sheldon's oldest friend; prior to Leonard, Sheldon had exactly three relationships he would consider friendships; he values Leonard for his (reasonable) intelligence, his taste in science fiction, and his ability to adhere to strict guidelines; Leonard is also a quality roommate, upholding his end of most everything; wouldn't openly admit that he feels a genuine affection toward Leonard, but we can see that he at least feels a loyalty toward him
- Penelope: Has complex feelings toward Penny: On the side of negativity, he finds her lazy approach toward the English language, intellectual pursuits, and basic organization very trying and her affection for pop culture wasteful, and he believes that she isn't aiming for her highest potential, and he doesn't appreciate that she sometimes lives to frustrate him; on the side of positivity, he realizes that she's smart-smarter than even Leonard knows-and strong, he admires her for leaving home to pursue her dream, he appreciates that she can geek-out, and he likes that she's able to challenge him-something he can't say for many others
- Howard: Throughout his education and life, Sheldon has dealt with so many of “Howard's sort” that the most he generally feels toward Wolowitz is disinterest; sometimes he finds him annoying, sometimes he finds him useless; Wolowitz is easy to manipulate, however, and also has his uses, so Sheldon tolerates his company; most of his early tolerance for Howard came from Leonard's genuine friendship with him; having Howard around has become the “norm” now, so not having him would upset his routine.
- Raj: Because Raj is generally agreeable person and doesn't live with him, Sheldon came to like him well enough; finds his company enjoyable, but most enjoyable when Penny's around, because he doesn't talk. Overall Raj > Howard.
→ he's selectively meticulous-everything has its place, his space is his own, and order is key-but it is selective
Your turn!