Title: sheldontheory.com (1/?)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Can't think of any
Word Count: 1,416
Disclaimer: I own none of the 'The Big Bang Theory' franchise.
Summary: Penny stumbles across a very interesting website
A/N: This is a crazy little plot bunny I've had in my head and demanded to be written. It's pretty stupid and the real fun begins in the next chapter, but I hope you like it!
Because of the nature of the story, there might be a couple of playful nudges at this community... but all done with love, I promise. Also, I hope the format of this isn't too confusing; if it is, let me know and I'll try and change it for the next chapter. I've tried to come up with original pennames - if I've used real ones tell me and I'll change them- and I'm sorry, it was completely unintentional!
sheldontheory.com (1/?)
When she tried to remember later, Penny never could quite recall exactly how she found the site - Sheldon had done something to her email to not only block her but also wipe all traces of his email address from her account, and she was searching for his address. Sure, she could have just sent Sheldon’s e-vite to her birthday to Leonard to forward onto him, or she could have printed it off and slipped it under his door. Hell, she could have just told him in person. But no, Penny refused to be defeated; she would email him the invitation, or he just wouldn‘t get one.
So, that’s what she was doing when she found the site; looking for Sheldon’s email address. It was easier said than done though, and somewhere in the midst of the Caltech sites and staff lists and google searches she found it:
www.sheldontheory.com .
It was the by-line that really caught Penny’s attention.
A community for the appreciation and adoration of Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD.
“No way,” she whispered as she clicked to open the site. The homepage of sheldontheory.com was blue, with the name of the site and the by-line in large red letters at the top of the page. And on the right, taking up almost half of the screen, was a picture of Sheldon.
“No way!” Penny practically squealed. She couldn’t decide what was more astonishing - that Sheldon had a fan club or that she hadn’t heard about it before. Was it actually possible that Leonard and the guys didn’t know about this?
Well, they were about to. Penny would send all three of them the link… once she’d explored a little bit first, of course.
Grinning now, Penny scrolled over the options on the homepage. There were links to his research and a bibliography of suggested reading to help understand it. There was a photo gallery and a discussion forum. Penny decided the best place to start would be with ‘Biography’.
A lot of what was written in the biography was stuff that Penny already knew - where he was from, about his siblings, where he studied, how old he was when he got his PhDs, when he started working at Caltech etc; but there was also a lot that she’d never heard about. Like the fact that his father had died when he was nineteen, in an accident at work. Or that his brother Raymond was married and divorced, and had a three-year-old daughter - Sheldon was an uncle! Or that he’d met the President a few months before she’d moved in.
There was, in fact, a lot she didn’t know about Sheldon, but she wasn’t that surprised. It wasn’t like Sheldon was an open book or anything - she hadn’t known he had any siblings period until his twin had shown up out of the blue.
Who the hell had written this biography, and how did they know so much about Sheldon?
It occurred to Penny then that maybe Sheldon had created this website himself. It was a farfetched idea, but at this point Penny wasn’t really surprised by anything that man did.
Penny came out of the biography and opened the photo gallery. Most of the photos were pretty boring, taken at various lectures over the last few years. A lot of them focused on his hands and arms, which Penny didn’t even begin to understand. A few of them, though, were of Sheldon when he was younger. There was one of him with his mother and a man who must have been his father - Sheldon had his nose - he was dressed in graduation robes and looked about twelve. He was smiling, a really genuine smile, and his parents were beaming on either side of him. There was one of him with a group of much older men, and the caption said that it had been taken in Germany. Penny’s favourite, though, was of Sheldon being presented a science award by the Mayor of Houston. Sheldon was only five, and his two front teeth were missing, making his grin for the camera toothless and utterly adorable. He even had freckles.
Penny saved the picture of five-year-old Sheldon to her computer and navigated back onto the homepage. She still wasn’t quite sure as to the purpose of the site, and so took the plunge and clicked on the forum.
The forum was split into two categories; ‘Professional Life’ and ‘Personal Life’. Penny clicked on the latter without hesitation.
As soon as Penny saw the amount of threads available and the titles of them, she knew that Sheldon couldn’t have created this site. For a start, he would never create a forum about his personal life in the first place, and if he did he certainly wouldn’t allow people to discuss Is Sheldon more like Spock or Data? He’d ban the Data supporters from the site.
This was real. This was a real fan site dedicated to Sheldon, created not by him, but by his fans. Sheldon had fans. There were people in the world who spent time on this site discussing Sheldon.
The title of the next thread caught Penny’s eyes and she grinned widely.
Is Sheldon Gay?
Penny opened it without any hesitation and began to read.
SC_fan#1 (Penny rolled her eyes at the name) wrote:
Hey, I’m new to this community and I don’t want to ruffle any feathers … and believe me I don’t mind either way - but… is he? He’s never seen with a girlfriend or anything and we know he’s not (and has never been) married. What do you guys think?
Stringme (that name got a snort from Penny) wrote:
Welcome to ST.com! I’m glad someone’s brought this up - I actually think he is.
Penny smiled. She wasn’t so sure. She could have sworn he was flirting with Ramona - not a lot, but definitely at first. She even thought, sometimes, that the first time she’d met him he’d kind of been a bit… nah. Anyway….
NobelLaureate wrote:
I wouldn’t be so sure. And welcome!
Stringme wrote:
Like SC_fan said, he’s never seen with a girlfriend.
NobelLaureate wrote:
He’s never seen with a boyfriend either.
True. But then he was never seen with anyone except her, Leonard, Raj or Howard. It’s just the way he was.
SC_fan#1 wrote:
That’s true. It’s really hard to tell, isn’t it? There must be someone out there who knows…
And thanks for the welcomes!
Hmm. To be honest, Penny had given up trying to find an answer to this question ages ago. Sheldon was Sheldon, and she couldn’t imagine him in any kind of relationship, man or woman.
Helium wrote:
No idea. I’ve often wondered though.
MrsDrCooper (Penny did a double-take on that name) wrote:
Woah. Penny hadn’t really taken the adoration part of the by-line seriously, but it definitely seemed this person had. She giggled at the ridiculousness of it all - this person actually had the hots for Sheldon. And badly - she’d used caps and everything.
SC_fan#1 wrote:
LOL I’m sure there are some gay men out there who would disagree with you. :P
Mathilde wrote:
First off, welcome to the community - we always love to see new members! As to your question, I personally don’t think he’s gay. Like Nobel said, he’s never seen with a boyfriend - Leonard is definitely not gay (he’s been in several het relationships over the past few years)
Penny sat back and blinked in surprise. Okay, so in the biography it had said that Sheldon was living with his friend and colleague Dr Leonard Hofstadter, but this… well, this was a bit creepy. How did they know Leonard’s been in relationships? It was almost like they were… spying, or something. It was especially disturbing since, up until recently, she'd been one hald of one of those 'het relationships'. She shook her head and read on.
and his other friends Rajesh Koothrapali and Howard Wolowitz are also known heterosexuals. And anyway, what about Penny?
Penny swallowed hard at the sight of her name on the screen in front of her. The creepiness factor had definitely gone up a notch. How, how did they know her name? Why did they know her name? What the hell does she mean by what about Penny?!?
Penny read on.
NobelLaureate wrote:
Good point Mathilde.
Helium wrote:
True true.
SC_fan#1 wrote:
Wait, who’s Penny?
Mathilde wrote:
Sorry, I guess you haven’t seen the thread yet. Here’s a link, enjoy!:
Who‘s the Blond?