{fic} - Swimming

Mar 30, 2010 00:02

Title: Swimming
Author: Split_the_ocean
Spoilers: Nope, minor references to TADD but... nothing huge.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 1,344
Disclaimer: Still not mine
Summary: Sheldon and Penny and a trip to the beach.
A/N:  Woah, so I just start writing for these guys last week and already I'm hooked and picking up plot bunnies everywhere. So over on  renisanz's fanart, lewisme commented something about Sheldon swimming and the plot bunny just jumped straight into my welcoming arms. This is what came of it, enjoy!

“But Penny….” He whines like a little girl and she smiles brightly back up at him.

“But Sheldon!” she mocks him with shimmering eyes as his mouth twitches in agitation. His hands twist together, long fingers entwining with one another as he tries, she’s sure, to stop them from reaching for a whiteboard and a marker. But hah! None of those here, he’s trapped, just how she likes him.

“You know that I don’t swim.” His voice is still whiny and she brushes a finger against his pouty lower lip, as though that might chase the 6 year old girl currently residing in her tall lanky physicist right out of there. His eyes flicker down to her finger, now paused against the side of his mouth and she imagines what it would feel like if his tongue swept out and over her thumb; and it may simply be because of this fantasy she’s playing in her mind but she thinks she sees his tongue almost peek out from between his lips before she feels him straighten and clear his throat and shake his head. Oh she has so got him where she wants him; right in the palm of her hand.

“Don’t worry Moonpie, I’ll teach you!” she says brightly as she lets her hand trail down his bare chest until she finds his fingers, still entwined around each other. Gently, she undoes the complex pattern that his fingers have woven around each other, and oh how many times has she done this with a whiteboard marker when he won’t come to bed, or when he’s fretting over a problem, or when she’s just feeling frisky.

A sunny smile on her face, she entwines their fingers and pulls him further towards the water. He digs his heels into the sand and attempts to withstand her pull, but she knows he’ll give in; in the end he usually does, she isn’t letting go.

“Penny, Penny, Penny,” the condescending tone in his voice makes her pause and turn back around, glances quizzically at him, “I am fully capable of swimming, I just choose not to.” As if it’s that simple, as if anything really ever is.

“Yeah sweetie, that’s what you said about dating too, and look where we are.” Gestures to their joined hands.

He purses his lips as he glares down at her, and then he’s talking about the chemical imbalance in waters like these and how dangerous and harmful that could be to his skin, but she’s not really listening anymore because his face is beautiful when it’s framed by the sun and it’s suddenly startlingly obvious that he’s a Texan because even something about the way he holds himself in the sun makes it seem like he’s spent his entire life in its warmth.

When she had dragged him out to the beach she had expected a pale, skinny, adorably shy physicist wearing a full-body wetsuit and flippers as he cowered from the water, and while the cowering and the pale and the skinny is definitely true to her imagination, Sheldon isn’t shy in the slightest. And he’s not wearing a full-body wetsuit either; she had talked him down from that one. It’s not that he’s entirely confident; it’s just that he really couldn’t care less about what people think about his chest (oh and if only he knew what she thought of it).

She sashays her hips a little as she steps nearer to him (because she knows that deep under all the string theory and the smarts, he’s still a man), their joined hands coming to rest on his heart as she leans up to press her lips to his. “Sheldon, come into the water with me.” His other hand comes up to her bare hip and she feels his heartbeat speed away in time with hers as he lowers his lips for another kiss.

“Penny…” the six year old is back in his voice and so she pats his chest as his fingers dance a pattern over her hip as they reach a compromise.

He stands ankle deep in the water as she splashes happily out in the deep, he watches her move and tries to find a pattern to the way her arms and legs and hips are all flowing together. After awhile he abandons this futile endeavour and just stands, hands clasped behind his back, and watches her. The sun bounces off her hair in a way that is entirely too mesmerizing and his stomach seems to clench tightly and bounce up and down (and though he knows this is quite impossible, he has come to expect such physical anomalies whilst in Penny’s presence) when she glances over her shoulder and smiles at him, waving slightly.

He lifts a hand to wave back, but it ends up being more of a beckoning for her to come closer and so she splashes up to him, wet and sandy and salty and Penny.

“Hey, you havin’ fun?” she asks when she is close enough that he can count the freckles on her shoulders.

He opens his mouth to chastise her on the repercussions of sun damage and what dangers that could lead to in later years but all that comes out is, “I suppose I am, and am I correct in assuming that you are enjoying yourself as well?”

Penny giggles loudly, causing a young boy to glare up at her from his spot in the water beside them, she guiltily covers her mouth and glances up at him, mischief dancing through her eyes and he’s suddenly in her apartment holding her purse and tucking her into bed and singing Soft Kitty while she calls him Wall-E, he shifts slightly forward, closer to her.

She steps forward fully and encompasses him in a very wet and very sandy hug, “Thanks for coming today.” Mumbles this into his chest as she burrows herself closer.

Sheldon stiffens at the feel of thousands of grains of sand scratching against his body, and then she pulls her head back and gives him a look that makes him not care so much anymore (but still brings his fingers up to brush away at the sand against his side, and then on her shoulder and then his hand comes to a stop on the middle of her back, bikini straps barely brushing his long fingers). “You’re welcome Penny, it wasn’t quite as dull as I was expecting.” He quirks his mouth up at this last bit and his eyes dance in the sun.

It’s a perfect moment, them together, wrapped up in each other, in the sun, ankle deep in the ocean, the ebb and the flow of the tide washing against their calves.

Then there’s a sudden splash of water and they jump back in shock, Penny giggling merrily as she looks down at the little boy, crouched beside Sheldon. He glares down at the child, water dripping from his body.

“Oh Sheldon lighten up, have some fun!” she catches him before he can start berating the child. Then, feeling playful and in love, she scoops up a palmful of water and launches it at Sheldon.

He blinks in surprise, stumbles backwards and she’s afraid he might actually tumble over so she takes a step forward, arm outstretched, already mentally preparing herself for the lecture she’s about to receive when, suddenly, she gets a handful of water splashed over her face.

She laughs loudly in pure shock, and then she’s splashing him back and they’re dancing around each other as though choreographed, throwing water back and forth between them. He gathers it in perfectly cupped hands and manages to mentally calculate the exact force with which he must throw the water for it to land on Penny, she’s just a mess of limbs and laughter, all haphazard and miscalculated throws, and yet they’re both equally wet and they’re both grinning and this is a perfect moment; them, and the sun and the waves, and the glare of a little boy in the shallows of the ocean.

fan: fiction, rating: pg-13

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