fic: strike seventeen

Mar 12, 2010 01:48

Title: Strike Seventeen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 599
Spoilers: The latest episode, The Precious Fragmentation
Disclaimer: I don't own TBBT.

Summary: Another missing scene from TPF: Sheldon is not going to let physical assault go unpunished.

A/N - This is another missing scene, from the same point in the episode but with a different approach to the ones by misskoum  and evelynvaughn01  . It's very short, hope you like!

Strike Seventeen

She’d hit him! Hit him. Just reached up and bam!

And now, consequently, he was bleeding.

Sheldon stood in the bathroom, bloody tissues littered over the sink and floor, scowling at his reflection. He could already see the bruises forming on the ridge of his nose and around the inside of his eyes. Fortunately (or unfortunately, if one chose to see it that way) Sheldon had enough experience with this kind of injury to know that there was no permanent damage, and there was nothing a doctor could give him that he didn’t have here in the apartment.

He just couldn’t believe Penny had hit him.

All these years, Penny had been threatening him bodily harm, but she had never once followed through on any of her threats. Sheldon still took the threats seriously though, the memory of Howard’s broken nose still fresh in his eidetic mind; but there had been no warning this time. One moment she was asleep, and the next her fist was connecting with his nose.

If he didn’t know that she’d probably borrow the money from him to pay for it, he’d be tempted to sue her.

It definitely merited a strike; that was certain. Sheldon had given up issuing strikes to Penny after the incident with her underclothes and the telephone wire - well, he had given up telling Penny about the strikes, instead keeping a running total in his head: this took her up to seventeen. But this strike was going on her public record, and she would have to deal with the consequences. Sheldon wasn’t afraid of Penny calling his mother this time - this had been a completely unwarranted and malicious attack on Penny’s part, and his mother was sure to agree. In fact, he would call her himself the next day; a pre-emptive strike against what Penny seemed to view as her power over him.

Once Sheldon’s nose was taped and the bathroom cleaned, Sheldon returned to his room. It was two hours past his bedtime, he had a bruised nose and no ring to show for it - it was not the triumphant return he had envisioned earlier that evening.

Penny was going to pay.

As Sheldon climbed into bed he noticed that the light was flashing on his cell phone, alerting him to a new voicemail message. The name on the screen announced who it was from.


Sheldon narrowed his eyes, hissed with pain and opened them fully again, and pressed the button to listen to the message.

“Hey Sheldon, it’s Penny.” Penny’s voice was hushed - Sheldon guessed she was trying not to wake Leonard.

“I’m not calling to apologise because you should really not be getting all up in people’s personal space when they’re asleep, especially not to steal from them. So yeah, you brought it on yourself.”

Sheldon pursed his lips angrily, formulating various revenge scenarios in his head.

“But I do feel kind of bad - kind of - and I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad. And because you’re injured, here’s something to help you get to sleep:”

Sheldon’s eyes widened as Penny started to sing.

“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr. Okay. Sleep tight, Moonpie. Oh and one more thing - if you try that again, I won’t be using my fist, I’ll be using the lamp. Just so you know. G’night!”

The next morning, neither of them said a word about the voicemail message, and they barely mentioned the punching incident except to briefly discuss the colour of Sheldon’s bruising.

He didn’t give Penny that strike.

fan: fiction, discussion: characters

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