Title: The Night Before the Last Time (3/3)
shelbecatRating: T (PG-13)
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Disclaimer: Not mine, clearly.
Notes: Multi-part Adam/Kris story covering their time in the idol mansion, and leading up to the Top 3 results show.
Part 1,
Part 2, Part 3
’ Sometimes I wonder why it has to be chronological. Like you grow and change and what if you suddenly find yourself in a different place, and realize that this was the person you were supposed to be all along?’ )
Comments 40
My heart was breaking for them and then you put it all back together so beautifully.
Powerful stuff. Amazing job.
I really can't wait to read more from you.
amazing job and thank you for sharing it with us :)
And the fact that we know it isn't their last night together and they'll have the joy and freedom of being the last two standing means we can imagine the awesome celebratory sex.
Now perhaps there is room for an epilogue ;)
Sorry to threadjack - but yes, please! :D
completely stunning. you killed me. I was tearing up all over the place, and I loved it.
you absolutely must write more--this is not just some of the best Kradam fanfiction I've ever read, it's some of the best of any kind of fanfiction I've ever read.
Thank you very much - you are too kind, seriously. I am trying to think of another plausible scenario - I don't often do AU particularly well (I don't think) - but so far I don't have anything. Hopefully inspiration will strike :)
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