More Kink meme fills, hurrah!

Jan 29, 2012 01:01

Christ on a chocolate chip cookie, it's been a freaking dog's age, hasn't it? Anyways ( Read more... )

fic, fic by me, pairing: john/mycroft, fandom: sherlock, pairing: gen

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Comments 9

accio_arse March 27 2012, 21:17:14 UTC
I love your Mycroft and John fics! Hooray!


sheepnamedpig March 27 2012, 22:20:51 UTC
Hey, long time no see!

Lol, I didn't realize anyone actually checked my lj for fics. I just post them here because it's easier to keep track of them. But I'm glad that you enjoy them. I tossed a snippet of a WIP up on my brand-spankin'-new tumblr (and no, i don't know why the heck i got myself a tumblr) though I should actually update this journal w/ some of my newer fills. /facepalm


accio_arse March 28 2012, 10:51:09 UTC
It's the only way I can find your fics, if you link them. Unless you archive them somewhere else as well?


sheepnamedpig March 28 2012, 19:59:29 UTC
Really? Hurk, sorry! I didn't realize. I was planning on adding them to my masterlist, but the list has gotten too damn big for LJ, so I've been thinking about moving it to Delicious or something, if Delicious would stop being full of suck. I'll probably just have to suck it up and deal and pray that the people who bought it aren't deaf to their users.

Tho, there is a John/Mycroft comm out now, so I can probably spam them with links to my fics. That way, you can get your John/Mycroft with a heaping side of John/Mycroft! Or whatever? I'm open to suggestions and not afraid of critique.


iwouldbegood May 28 2012, 10:15:53 UTC
Hi! I wanted to leave a comment on kink meme for London Bridge Is Falling Down, but I couldn't, so I'm posting it here instead. Hope it's alright!

I really really enjoyed this. How it slowly progresses to a point where they actually need each other's proximity and comfort, and the promise of continued emotional support made me feel better about those two and what they're going through.

Also, I read other comments and wanted to point out this bit you wrote:
And even though I'm usually a die-hard J/M shipper, it was so freaking easy just to write them as not-quite-friends without any romantic overtones.
I agree with this. I've only read one J/M fic and am a die-hard S/J shipper. I could see how this possibly could be read with slight (pre-)slash overtones, but it definitely also works out the way you intended. And romantic or not, I'm just very glad they now have each other :)


sheepnamedpig May 28 2012, 13:41:58 UTC
Whatever tickles your fancy, m'deira!

As the great philosopher Jagger once said, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need."

Pshhh, you don't know how relieved I am to hear that I pulled off writing it as gen. Since I usually stick to J/M, I tend to read a lot into their interactions, even in non-J/M fic. Habit, I guess. So when I was editing this, I thought, 'well fuck, this whole fic is slathered all over with pre-slashy goodness.' So yeah, time to celebrate a landmark in Sheep's growth as a writer!

And now I'm curious: Which J/M fic managed to entice the die-hard S/J shippper enough to take the plunge?


iwouldbegood May 28 2012, 20:56:12 UTC
The J/M fic that I read was you'll never be alone in the bone orchard. I can't remember how I got to it, but I find most stories through recommendations on sherlock-search, 221b-recs or make me a Monday. I think the description sounded interesting and I decided to take a look. I won't read any other pairings (for example Sherlock/Moriarty or any of the het variations), but Mycroft is such an interesting character and I guess I was too curious not to give it a try ;)


sheepnamedpig May 29 2012, 04:15:24 UTC
An excellent choice. It's a truly great fic in how John and Mycroft's relationship parallels John and Sherlock's in the BBC canon while also showing how Mycroft's personality makes it different.

I usually stick to John/Mycroft, but sometimes I read a prompt for another pairing that makes my eyes pop and when I see that there's a fill I just have to read it or I'll pop. And we see so little of Mycroft that he's very much the series dark horse, and that aura of mystery that he has just made me gravitate to him like a small bug being pulled into the air intake of a jet engine.

Thanks so much for going outside your usual reading preferences to read my fic! It gives me warm fuzzies that I like to put into my pockets during the winter to keep my hands warm.


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