Note to self: Do not get into 'debates' with rabid fangirls. Crazy!logic always beats actual!logic, and you will therefore always lose.
To paraphrase (because I was actually much more diplomatic):
Fangirl: Some bloke called David Tennant is beating Viggo Mortensen in an online 'most attractive man' poll. Viggo is clearly sexier, so the Tennant
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Comments 19 use an Americanism I'm never entirely happy with, but heh...? And the dig about Dubya is highly appropriate - Florida voting anyone? About as fair as Zimbabwe's!!
And I used my Aragorn icon for my first comment to her and a Doctor one for the second, to show that I was unbiased.
It hurts because it's true. ;_;
Though sadly, I'm still fairly certain that the second time around, he actually won with no more than the normal amount of election fraud. (Yanno, as opposed to the abnormal amount that got him in the first time.) :X Which means we've deserved this second term of utter agony.
I don't actually care about the result, I just had to tactfully point out to her that she was an idiot (and giving Viggo fans a bad name).
My monitor came very close to wearing my chamomile tea when I read that! hehehe
How sad that this fangirl believes her fandom to be the one and only. From her responses, I'm guessing she's either very young or very immature. I wonder how she'll reply? *g*
The fangirl has a kid, so she can't be too young. I was slightly simplifying her answers, just to get the gist accross while I quietly mocked her, but she really did insult our poor Teninch.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of pimping of this poll on a lot of Tennant fansites. It's not like Doctor Who fandom is immune to fangirlism.
Fandom attracts all types, I guess... but the dumb ones' give the rest of us a bad name...
And here, have some more Jack.
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