VM fic: Isosceles Triangle (V/Lamb, Madison) PG-13

Apr 11, 2006 17:17

Title: Isosceles Triangle
Author: Shealynn88
Rating: PG-13 (sexual content)
Characters: V/Lamb, Madison
Word Count: ~1200 words
Spoilers/warnings: Rapes of Graff
Summary: Veronica seriously questioned her sanity every time she made out with Don Lamb. Which somehow didn’t change the fact that it kept happening.
Disclaimer: Still not mine.
Author’s ( Read more... )

vm fic, fanfic, v/lamb

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Comments 19

monimala April 11 2006, 21:29:35 UTC
You do realize that we both wrote stories about Veronica, Lamb, and Madison in a matter of hours that have titles involving MATH, right?


I love that Don sucks at cheating just like he sucks at everything else...except kissing. I love that Veronica keeps doing it and keeps coming back. I love her warning him about Madison spitting in cups and the grinding of her teeth leading to a different kind of "trip to the dentist." As always, the tension and the kissing was REALLY hot.

And I know I wrote this in a recent fic or something...but 99% of the time, it's exactly what it looks like.



shealynn88 April 12 2006, 13:21:40 UTC

I hadn't realized they both involved math. I read your story just before I posted, but I was running late to class, so I didn't get to comment.

You know what they say--great minds think alike! :)

I didn't know how in character it was for her to keep coming back...but hey, it's a little out of character just to have them make out, period, so...what can you do?

As always, the tension and the kissing was REALLY hot.

I'm so glad you thought so! I keep feeling like the kissing doesn't really get addressed much in these...they're so busy thinking about how wrong it all is, I have trouble fitting in mad, passionate kissing. :)

Oh, you DID write that--Man Behind the Curtain, 2. And, as usual, you were right. ;)

Do you ever feel like Meg, and I'm the little Pam following you around? :) Cuz, seriously, it's not my intention to be you. :) Much as I adore you and all... :)

And, here--woobie Lamb, just for you.


monimala April 12 2006, 15:49:20 UTC
I think there should always be room for mad, passionate kissing. Especially since you make it so plausible despite Lamb and Veronica's penchant for thinkiness.

:::eyes you suspiciously:::

Are you Asian Indian? Because there could be a distinct possibility that you're Single Brown Female-ing me.

Kidding! I don't think you're trying to be me OR following me around. LOL. We're just pulling from the same ether and sharing a brain.

And, dammit, Woobie Lamb strikes again!


shealynn88 April 13 2006, 01:41:07 UTC
LOL I may have to get myself some bronzer, now, so I can Single Brown Female you properly. :)


iwillrememberu April 12 2006, 15:44:17 UTC

But Lamb has got to chose Veronica... cuz V/Lamb? The real deal.


shealynn88 April 13 2006, 01:43:11 UTC
If he ends up with anybody, it'll be Veronica. But...who knows. If you'd asked me a month ago, I would've said Lamb would die alone and without Veronica sex, period. :)


(The comment has been removed)

shealynn88 April 13 2006, 01:43:52 UTC
Thank you!! I'm uber awesome! That's...awesome!! :)


rindee April 12 2006, 20:13:09 UTC
What an ending. Touche! It was a great beginning too, but, really, the ending was bullet-proof. Lamb playing with himself when Veronica reentered the room. Priceless. Hahaha. Seriously, I cannot stop smiling.


shealynn88 April 13 2006, 01:45:12 UTC
Hehe...so glad you liked it. Honestly, it kinda grossed me out, but Lamb doesn't seem like the kinda guy who delays gratification...ya know?


v_mars April 12 2006, 20:36:41 UTC
This is so fucking hilarious! You write really good, loving your story.


shealynn88 April 13 2006, 01:45:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


v_mars April 13 2006, 10:01:13 UTC
If you have written fanfiction before, could you give me the URL? I would love to read more of your stuff.


shealynn88 April 13 2006, 12:28:18 UTC
I've actually written quite a bit VM, though I JUST started writing Lamb. If you go to this page, all my fanfic is listed. Scroll down to Veronica Mars, and all the Lamb stuff is in the last half of the Misc. portion. I'd love to know what you think if you get a chance to read them. :) Thanks for asking! It's a huge compliment.


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