VM fic: Trip to Hell (V/Lamb) PG-13

Apr 03, 2006 07:53

Title: Shealynn's Trip to Hell
Author: Shealynn88
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~300 words
Warnings: none. Unless you count the pairing.
Characters: Veronica/Lamb
Spoilers: Rapes of Graff
Summary: Veronica hates him. Lamb hates her. So…umm…what exactly is happening?
Author's Note: This was not my idea! Okay, it was, but it was actually supposed to be comment fic for someone, but it had a spoiler, so I'm posting it here, but I'll NEVER admit that I wrote this pairing, so don't even try. I feel so dirty.
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just going to that special hell by proxy.

She's in good form today, spitting out underhanded insults even as she gives him the information he'll need if he's ever going to solve the case. He, of course, is looking at her with that infuriating tolerant grin, like he's just waiting for her to leave his office so he can get back to what's really important.

God, she hates him.

So when he moves forward and his lips somehow end up on hers, all she can think is a startled, what the fuck? She stumbles back and he follows until she's caught between his desk and his body, and she wonders vaguely why she's not tasering him right now.

He reaches behind her and she hears things falling, and then he lifts her onto the desk, his hips between her legs. She prays that it's his gun poking her in the thigh, because anything else would just be beyond disgusting.

She's just beginning to feel a little drunk on all the warmth and the feel of his mouth open against hers, and her hatred has apparently chosen this moment to go on vacation when he finally, finally pulls back a moment to breathe. He looks as surprised as she feels and the expression makes him seem almost human.

She can think. More or less. She knows she'd better take advantage of it while it lasts.

She wipes her lips in disgust and pushes him back, swinging one leg around him and practically vaulting toward the door.

"Save it for somebody who likes their men dumb-as-a-post and completely amoral," she says as she leaves. "Like Madison." She slams the door before he can see how she's shaking.

wrong, meep!, bad, special hell

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