Title: Nightmare
Author: Shealynn
Rating: PG-13/R (dark themes)
Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, but oh, how I wish they were…
Summary: Sam told himself it was just worry and fear that made the nightmares so strong, but this one was different. Dean's death in the dream hadn't been a reflection of something they'd just fought…this was something new.
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Comments 10
And this: Sam's dream of his mother smothering him *shivers*
was exactly what I was looking for. Yay! Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback. It's been a while since I played with my boys!
And all of the dreams were just perfect Sam and freaky as hell and *hides* Yeah, scary. I'm bad with the scary, which is why it's weird that I watch Supernatural, LOL. Excellent, excellent story!
I'm glad the dreams were freaky--I was hoping for that! :)
Thank you so much for your very kind comments.
Can't wait to read more sweetie. *hugs*
I'm so glad you found this worth reading and went back and read the others! *hugs you back*
Anyway, really looking forward to more of this series!
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I love your King icon. Mmm...yummy...
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