Fic: Pleasurable The Poison

May 14, 2011 16:35

Title: The Curse of Connection Series
Part 2: Pleasurable The Poison
Author: she_burns1
Word Count: 6,617
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, sensuality, mentions of sex
Characters: Sherlock/John
Summary: Sherlock and John deal with the ramifications of the ‘curse’ as well as the secrets it revealed.
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Author's Note: A ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes/john watson, sherlock holmes, fan fiction

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Comments 29

darthhellokitty May 14 2011, 22:27:05 UTC
DAMN YOU HARRY!!! That was going so well...

I like the comparison between the decision whether or not to kiss John being like the decision whether or not to take the pill. But it's so much sweeter than the pill...


she_burns1 May 19 2011, 07:04:53 UTC
But it's so much sweeter than the pill...

Agreed! Thanks for reading!


anon_aspasia May 14 2011, 22:50:07 UTC
"Enjoy" is far too mild a word for my reaction. I LOVE this, and am on the edge of my seat wanting to see where you take it next! Thank you!


she_burns1 May 19 2011, 07:06:54 UTC
Yay! I wigged out about this fic for quite a while - worrying about characterization mostly - but your liking it is the most important thing to me since you donated for it!

I certainly hope you enjoy where I take it next - again, I haven't really started typing it up, but I know where it goes and I think it'll be a good wrap up!

Thanks again for bidding! ♥


violetbruises May 15 2011, 02:27:00 UTC
There's another part coming, right? *Tries not to sound too desperate* This is beautiful. Raw and realistic and bittersweet and sensual. God.

I found myself thinking of this song, Bloodstream, because it fits SO WELL and I had it on repeat. You should give it a listen. If you don't already know it, that is.


violetbruises May 17 2011, 15:30:15 UTC
Oh, and god, I had a dream about this a night or two ago, in which Sherlock leaves and Harry's actually dying, and John watches over her and waits for Sherlock who just isn't coming back, and Harry dies, and John starts drinking, and then, three-four months later, Sherlock comes back, and John is an absolute mess.
I swear, I don't know what is wrong with my mind.


she_burns1 May 19 2011, 07:09:44 UTC
Oh wow - I wasn't planning for the fic to go in that direction but now I kind of wish it was, lol, that's an awesome idea!

I LOVE that song - 'Bloodstream' has been on my ipod for a while now and, in fact, I did listen to this as well as some other songs when I wrote this up -I sort of have a playlist for this whole series - music and writing are pretty married to each other when I work - it's hard for me to have one without the other!

Thanks so much for all your kind words! ♥


meredydd May 15 2011, 03:18:56 UTC
ooooooooooh I love this series. Poor conflicted Sherlock. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...


she_burns1 May 19 2011, 07:10:26 UTC
Thanks! ♥


eightnoon May 15 2011, 03:45:35 UTC
Sherlock is very good with the denial, but John is even better with the persuasion. Although I still sense turbulent waters in their future.


she_burns1 May 19 2011, 07:11:42 UTC
Your sense is correct - this is the kind of story where I never make things easy - I say three parts, but, you know, just watch - it'll probably end up being more! Thanks for reading! ;)


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