Fic: Lil' Secret

Jun 19, 2010 14:52

Title: Lil' Secret
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Jemaine/Dave (No, you didn't read that wrong)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,167
Summary: Jemaine offers to help Dave out.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FOTC or anything fun really.
Warning: Language, sexy times
Notes: I posted a drabble meme a while back and had only one claim (feel free to check it out if you missed it)! It was from nonnymoose and she claimed "secretly a virgin" for Dave from FOTC - she said I could pair him with whoever - I was intially going to do Murray, but _beetle_ is really nailing them and this idea just came to mind - hope you enjoy!

"...'s not that bad...mean...I was one. Once."

"Holy shi'...big shock'r there," Dave slurred and tossed back another shot of tequila, "'S what I get for mixin' drinkin' an' talkin'...shit," he ran his hands through his hair, knocking off his bandana. He looked at Jemaine, his eyes squinting as he began blinking rapidly, "Dude...when'd you start doin' that..."

"Doing what?"

"...multiplin', three...three of ya..."

"Dave...don't know what you're talking about. Just me."

"Oh...'s jus' you, huh? You an' two more..."

Jemaine looked all around himself then shrugged, "No. Just me, Dave. Think you've had enough..."

"Tell you when 've-" Dave's words ended as he began to topple off the stool where he sat. Jemaine caught him from behind, keeping him from crashing into a big pile on the floor. Dave burst into hysterical laughter and the bartender, who had been eyeing them with some suspicion for the last half hour, cleared his throat loudly, his tone gruff, "Think you guys are done for the night."

"Yes, sir," Jemaine returned and, as best as he was able, he got Dave to his feet, slinging the slighter man's arm around his neck, "Come on, Dave..."

Jemaine walked (or, more aptly, dragged) Dave out of the bar and into the street. He didn't get far before Dave gestured to a nearby alley, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...hey, man, hey..."

"Yes, Dave," Jemaine groaned, thoroughly annoyed.

"Man...think...might...might puke...think, yeah, thinkin' I'ma fuckin' gonna-"

"Okay, okay," Jemaine's voice was softer now as he entered the alley, carefully positioning Dave near a dumpster. Dave seemed to contemplate it a few moments, swaying on his feet, arm swiping at his forehead. Eventually he turned and rested his back against the side of the building, swearing under his breath.

Jemaine eyed him warily, "You better?"

"...maybe...stomac' settlin'..."

Jemaine nodded, then, quietly, "Did...did you tell me the truth in there?"


"You-you know...'bout...being a virgin?"

Dave's eyes widened and his head fell back against the building as he swallowed, "Fuck..."


Dave breathed in loudly through his nose, then closing his eyes, "Might be..."


Dave's eyes opened, bleary slits, "You tell anyone...kick your ass..."



"I believe you."

A silence settled over them until Dave suddenly broke it with a coughing laugh, his fingers combing through his hair, "Shit, man...fuck'd up..."


"...'m fuckin' wasted."

"Oh. Yes. Noticed that."

"Got wood."

"...that I did not notice."

"That ever happ'n t' you, man?"

Jemaine shrugged. Dave just chuckled again and shook his head, eyes closing once more, "...still can't 'lieve told you tha' shit...'bout me bein' big ol' V...just...never get th' chance...t' close th' deal...nobody'd touch my dick but me..."

" you mean no body ever would or no one ever has or-"

"Don't...fuck, man...don' ask questions...head's hurtin'..."


It was quiet for another spell. Once more, Dave broke it, " one's...can't get anyone 't..."

Jemaine looked at Dave sympathetically, offering, "Yeah, I hear you, Dave. 'S tough..."

"...jus' be nice...know? To have someone else..." Dave sighed and Jemaine worried his lower lip between his teeth, then, so quietly Dave barely heard him, "Could...could help you out..."

Dave began blinking rapidly, trying to focus, "What?"

Jemaine shook his head, eyes downcast, "Nothing."

" you say-?"

"Didn't say a thing."

"What...was that-? Did...did you just offer me a...what? A pity fuck?"


"Pity hand job?"


"Pity blow job?"

"No, no, no...'s just...mean, know, I understand your situation and I just...dunno, just thought-"

"Thought you'd take a stab at revokin' my V-Card?"

" seem to be sobering up nicely..."

"Sex offer's 'll do that to you," There was a distinct, meaningful pause, then, "D'you mean it?"

"...mean what?"

"The offer."

"What offer?"

"Don' be a coy give me a...hand?"

Jemaine scratched at the back of his head, trying to sound as casual as possible, "Can. If...if you want."

Dave's eyes narrowed, "You won't...won't tell anyone..."

"Do I look like I'd want to tell anyone?"

"Nah, not really...bit closer to me in that way, bro. Mean, least...didn't catch you as the," Dave brought up one hand between them, wiggling it from side to side, "type, but, know, mean...could jus' our lil' secret..."


" one'd ever have to know..."

Jemaine came closer to Dave, voice deeper, "Yeah..."

Dave swallowed as Jemaine drew nearer and he felt himself sort of shrinking. Or maybe Jemaine was growing bigger. Or maybe he'd always been that big. Jesus, dude seemed like a fucking linebacker at the moment. Dave felt like he was lost in the other man's shadow.

And he licked his lips, eyes casting from side to side. No one was anywhere. Jesus, New York City and he didn't see a single soul, didn't hear...

Jemaine's breath brushed his face and Jemaine reached out, hands on Dave's hips. Dave closed his eyes and wished he was with the other one, the skinnier of the two Europeans (?) because then at least he could pretend he was with a girl. Even with the beard, Bret seemed more, well, girly than this big, hulking...

Dave almost swallowed his tongue when he heard his own zipper go down. His eyes opened, just for a few seconds and he saw Jemaine looking down, eyes filled with such concentration behind those glasses and fuck...

" are you goin' to-fuuuuuckkk-" Dave drew the swear out as Jemaine's strong hands gently eased down Dave's pants, his underwear, freeing him to the night air and Christ, when had he gotten so hard exactly?!

And then Jemaine's hand was on him, dry, but sure, moving rather fluidly and Dave felt himself bucking up into it, eyes squeezing tightly shut again. Oh god, oh god, hand on his dick, hand on his dick...a man's hand...fuck...maybe he could just...pretend...really rough girl's hands, but...ahhh, moving again and that is so not a lady's hand...

Dave whimpered, moving up into it and Jemaine's voice was a hungry purr, "Dave..."

Dave answered with inarticulate whimpers.

"Um...can I...might...might be better if I...kiss-"

Dave's head snaked forward, cutting off Jemaine's words, their mouths meeting clumsily and Dave thanked every alcoholic god in the world for this moment. Okay, yes, alcohol can't make you do anything you don't want to do, but it can certainly cloud your mind enough to make things that normally wouldn't be okay (or certainly thing that would normally be over thought) sort of all right.

And this was certainly a spot of all right.

Jemaine's mouth tasted deeply of him, his tongue in Dave's mouth, his kiss drawing the air from Dave's lungs, and really, Dave had the V Card, but he had been kissed before. He'd been kissed plenty of times. But not this way. Not like raw and powerful, dizzying and glorious, uncontrollable...

Jemaine tore his mouth from Dave's long enough to mutter an oath under his breath, then he released Dave's erection, making the other man whimper in regret. Dave was just about to ask why Jemaine stopped when he cupped Dave's face in his hands, kissing him again, gentler this time, teasing his mouth in a soft, slow, drugging possession that spread warmth throughout Dave's entire body.

And fuck, Dave felt sort of romanced by it and that was fucking ridiculous, but...

Jemaine pressed kisses along the column of his throat, his breath hot on Dave's skin as his body rocked against the other man's Dave felt, even though the layers of clothing, Jemaine's own delicious hard-on.


Jemaine moved, sliding his body downward, lowering himself to his knees and Dave cursed. No way, no fucking way...

Jemaine's lips parted (those big, puffy, Jolie-esque lips, lady lips...), red and wet and with his eyes closed, long eyelashes fanned against his cheeks behind his glasses...christ, he looked like a slutty girl just begging for...

Jemaine took Dave's erection deep into his mouth, tongue swirling right on the tip, sucking hard. Dave let out a litany of intelligible sounds, some of it a mixed amalgamation of English and his own native language.

His fingers raked through Jemaine's hair, clutched his scalp and Dave's head fell back, eyes closed as he felt his hips edge forward, thrusting. He knew he should be more gentle. No way this could possibly feel good for Jemaine, on his knees, a virgin going into hysterics while he-

But if Jemaine had any complaints he didn't share them, instead, his hands found Dave's hips again, clutching them tightly, sort of encouraging the movements but certainly slowing their momentum and Dave felt his sobriety sink in more and more as his climax hurtled forward.

He wanted to warn his friend. I mean, god, he was about to let loose...but Jemaine just held on, mouth just working away and, fuck, it was like...did Jemaine want to swallow...

And for some reason, that thought heated Dave's blood more than anything else, and he felt himself unraveling, coming apart in the other man's mouth, sweet little injured sounds escaping him as he trembled through his orgasm and settled deep into the aftershocks.

Jemaine eased off gently, trailing his tongue up Dave's length and around the head one last time, before releasing him sticky and wet into the night air. Dave stood, slumped against the wall as Jemaine got to his feet.

He reached out a hand but Jemaine brushed it off, shrugging, "No big, mate."


"You don't have to." Jemaine reassured him with a smile and Dave looked at him suspiciously, wondering if this was some kind of test. Dave carefully tucked himself away, zipping back up his jeans and sort of shivering all over for a moment, letting what had just happened sink in, " That was good."


Dave almost said something along the lines of, 'yeah, you can really suck some dick' but shortened it to the first word, mirroring Jemaine. He also temporarily contemplated asking Jemaine how much he liked it, wanting to know if it was okay that he'd let his friend swallow and did he truly like having his mouth fucked like that but decided against both things.


He normally never censored himself, but for some reason, in the aftermath of what had just taken place he felt that such remarks would be rude. Sort of 'kill the mood', but what mood he was in at the moment seemed impossible to place.

After all, he had just had sex.

Well...a form of sex.

And with a guy no less.

With an Irish(?) guy no less...fuck, he should really find out where exactly Jemaine was from...kind of embarrassing to have someone get you off so good and not even know exactly what country they were from...still...

Dave combed a hand through his hair again, then cursed, "Fuck...think I left my bandana inside..."

"You want me to-"

"Nah, I got some at home, just...shit...don't like leavin' 'em places..."

"Uh huh."

The silence seemed more uncomfortable now as Dave bit the inside of his cheek, "So..."


" were serious...right, man? Won't-won't tell anybody..."


"...'no' you won't or 'no' you-"

"I won't tell anybody, Dave."

"Riiiight," Dave drew out, then, really, he couldn't help himself anymore, "So...where did you, um, learn to-to do that..."

Jemaine just looked at him and really, Dave had always sort of taken Jemaine as a hopeless loser...this sort of look shouldn't be possible from him. It was sort of...dark (and hot). Dave cleared his throat and Jemaine seemed to relax a little, offering a mysterious, "I've done lots of stuff you don't know about."

"Bet Bret-"

"No," Jemaine said this very firmly and far too quickly, "Done lots of things he doesn't know about either."

Dave blinked, a little stunned by this outburst, "So...what you're saying're-you're really good at keeping secrets."

Jemaine almost seemed sort of sad now, as he replied softly, "Yes. Very good."

", don't get me wrong...just-just never pegged you as the type. You know, the 'good-at-keeping-secrets' just seem too," Dave struggled through 'too much of a goofball', 'too much of an idiot', 'too much of a fuck-up' and settled on, "honest."

Jemaine scoffed, "Yeah, well..."

"No, serious. I thought...mean, you seem sort of straight forward," Dave took a moment to snicker at how that sounded like a pun before continuing, "Like, you seem like the type that would know, real bad at lying. Or, you''d feel bad about it or something...guilty..."

"I'll go get your bandana," Was Jemaine's chosen answer and he left Dave there, slumped against the wall.

Dave rubbed at his arms, wondering why he felt cold all of the sudden. Jemaine returned with the bandana and Dave secured it back in place. There. Better. He felt more like himself. And yet...


"Hmm." It was just a sound, nothing else.

" you...mean...maybe we this again?"

"Do what again, exactly?"

Dave's eyes narrowed and he wondered just how crafty Jemaine was trying to be. He let out a sigh, settling on, "Go drinking."

"Dunno. Guess we'll just see." Jemaine said, but there was a slight smile and he patted Dave's arm amicably, "Come on...time to get you home."

fotc: dave/jemaine, fotc, fan fiction

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