Meet me, Shazi! Say hello to my simself! :) She's a very accurate representation of me, if I may say.
The hair, the makeup, the clothes, the colors of the clothes even--yep. She's me, alright.
Call her Shazi. Or whatever else you want. Do with her what you please, really. Just download her (and tell me what you do!) and have fun with her. That's what she's here for. :) Doesn't she just look like she's ready and rearing to have a good time in your game?
Now, a few stats about Sim!Me. Her primary aspiration should be Romance, and if you've got FreeTime, make that secondary aspiration Knowledge, please! (This is, of course, only applicable if you're playing her as Sim!Shazi. If you're not, then hey, do what you want.) Her personality goes a little something like this: 6/6/3/6/4. Then again, my actual astrological sign is a Virgo, but I find the personality traits are too neat, shy and serious to actually fit my personality. Sim!Me is turned on by glasses and charisma (or, if you don't have that turn on--I forget what EP it comes with--cologne does just fine), and is turned off by zombies. (Once again, if you don't have that turn off, stink works just as well.) And that's all you need to know!
CC stats and all~
Muy importante!
DOWNLOAD SIM!SHAZI WITH CC INCLUDED DOWNLOAD SIM!SHAZI WITHOUT CC As usual, the no-CC version is Base Game compatible. :)