Title: Stars Rating: pg Pairing: Jongho Genre: fluffy fluff and stuff Author/Artist Note: Minho is a girl and Jonghyun kind of sucks at life. Co-written by my favorite writer and wifey linnhe.
Jonghyun you ass! How could you treat her like that? I'm glad Minjung rejected him cause honestly he really was a douche The Onew bit were he said they wernt friend lol I was like what? This guy is acting just naturally stupid & that is why he treats everyone like that Poor Onew for failing to tutor him but good on him for just telling him straight up they aren't friends
oKAY so this was too fucking hilarious? Jonghyun is a hopeless boob and Minjung is way too good for him lol but it all fits very well. And Onew. Yup. Onew's definitely me.
Comments 8
I'm glad Minjung rejected him cause honestly he really was a douche
The Onew bit were he said they wernt friend lol I was like what? This guy is acting just naturally stupid & that is why he treats everyone like that
Poor Onew for failing to tutor him but good on him for just telling him straight up they aren't friends
/hugs this fic :3
"Finally dumped fake boyfriend? Ahaha"
^ That was probably my favourite part. AND PLOT TWIST it's Jinki that's Minjung's ex-boyfriend.
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