Cinnamon Swirl - Smoke & Mirrors (Sethan's Pocky Chain)
Main EntryTimeframe : 1270's
You keep me waiting again.
Sethan keeps his eyes on the body. It's not hard to do, staring it the thing seems to be her only wish lately.
The lungs are holding things up. The tissue is not satisfactory yet.
You lie.
Your desk. It is covered in death sigils. Do you wish to tell me what such things have to do with developing lung tissue?
There's an itch at the base of his neck, and Sethan wonders if she can hear him thinking about not thinking about things.
I need not see it to know it is there.
He's shaking. The scalpel is still in his hand and the blood is still dripping down his neck. Kairn has him by the shoulders and he's trying to catch his eye. He's shaking too, but he's trying to pretend he's not.
"Is she gone?" One hand eases up, ready to reach for the mark on his neck again.
Sethan tries to shrug him off and when that doesn't work, to swat him away.
"Yes, she's gone." He swipes a hand across his neck, looks at the blood smeared over his palm. "We'll need to find a new place for that."