Dear Diary...
Steph sighs and puts her diary back down on her lap. She's watching Hana and Loo play out in front of the farmhouse. They're happily occupied with seeing who can cough the biggest fireball, and Steph is, therefore, lightly scorched. Luckily, the girls are more excited by explosions these days than by burning people, and they're
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Comments 88
Babs sits quietly. Watching. Wondering what she should say.
(If it weren't for the girls, she might run away.)
"Hi, O."
She doesn't smile. She doesn't expect this to be a conversation with much reason for smiling.
"Hey, Steph."
Babs seems content to sit in silence for the moment, simply letting her eyes take in Steph's expression and posture.
She always feels like she's about fourteen again in front of Oracle, a stupid newbie vigilante with more eagerness than skill and everything to prove. It's not a comfortable feeling, when she's only just started to feel like she's earned being nineteen.
" can start yelling any time you like, if you want to get it over with."
"Hey," he says and doesn't peek over her shoulder at what she's written (much). "How're they doing?"
-- Steph's thoughts have a worrying tendency to go in this direction lately; it's enough to make her wonder ...
She squeezes his hand and smiles at the girls, too.
"Hana's getting really good at controlling it."
As for Hana getting good control, his littlest niece gets a bigger grin. He's so proud of them sometimes he could burst.
She wants him to talk about it, because he always feels better after talking things out - but not if she forces him to. Besides, how would she start that conversation, anyway? So you just set fire to your undead sister who killed people... how does that feel?
Nnnnnnnnno. She'll just be extra cuddly instead and make sure he knows she'll be here when he wants to.
"I'm on duty 'cause Dean dropped by again." Which gets a grin for all the sex Mel's probably having.
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