Eventually, the Eden Team gets the car going, by the grace of Sokka's brilliance alone.
(Granted, he's not entirely sure what was wrong with the car still, as it had started up while he was busy kicking and cursing at the damn thing to just start already! ...but no one else needs to know that
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"You know, Socks, not only have I been driving safely since I was fifteen, but I've also never lost someone out of the back of the car."
"Or out of the front." She flashes him a quick grin. "Except when we were vigilante-ing and they wanted out, but that doesn't count."
"Yeah. I'll be heaps less worried if I can just find out for sure whether they're here or whether -- whatever, y'know. I just have to know for sure."
She wrinkles up her nose at him, giving him a grin. "I really hope it's not. It's kind of getting to me. I'm getting twitchy."
"See? Twitch twitch."
It doesn't stand a chance against his grin and very-manly-giggles.
He doesn't seem to understand that this sarcasm could be taken in any other way than that.
"And Dad ... honestly, I don't even wanna look for him. He can look after himself. He's good at that.
"You and Mel, I'm totally okay with you guys -- like, I dunno, you can just cruise around and do whatever you want, you don't have to come with at all."
"...did the fact that we decided to come with you just totally fly over your head or is this your brainsickness attacking again? It's not contagious, is it? These are tight quarters and if it gets airborne..."
But she's honestly relieved - obviously it's been on her mind. Sometimes she just has to be told a few times, Steph does. She's not used to people who'll do things for her without first being pleaded with. She'd figured they probably just hadn't thought about it, and they'd change their mind when they did.
Sokka gets her widest brilliant smile.
"I hate to break this to you, Steph, but you aren't nearly as demanding or evil as you think you are. There's not a whole lot anyone can make Mel do, and I like to pretend like I'm not too far from that, too."
They came because they wanted to. Nothing more or less.
The Pinocchio reference probably goes straight over his head. She forgets.
"I guess I'll just have to put up with it till then."
Even without the commentary.
"So... Robin has more secrets than just his name? Gotta say, at least this one is kind of interesting."
If fairly disturbing, from Sokka's expression.
"I'm just full of surprises," she tells him once she has her breath back, giggling still. "But that's not one of them, I promise. It's a movie, in our world."
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