
Jun 17, 2008 15:24

In Metropolis....

Eden McCain has a table to herself at a coffee shop - notebook papers are spread over it with titles like 'Main Character' and 'Subplot 1'. The great post-apocalyptic novel isn't going to get written any other way! She felt like dressing like a cliche artist - and is wearing a navy blue beret.

Tom Therin is whistling cheerfully to ( Read more... )

gabriel gray (sylar), jack hollins, anna reeve, windows 95, edwin dobson, oliver wycliffe, angela edmunds, eden mccain, bridgette dubois, sonia belmont

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Comments 221

leto_reficio June 17 2008, 21:23:02 UTC
Sylar has recently found his way to Metropolis, that wonderful city where Chandra and Darla aren't.

Guess who he wasn't expecting to see in a cafe?

Considerable eyebrows knot slightly in question as he moves towards her table. In a tone of surprise: "Eden?"


carefulwishes June 18 2008, 05:19:30 UTC
Muscles under the pale skin tense in a flinch. Her gaze snaps up - all the way up - to his own.

A calculating expression flashes across her face, barely restraining the sparkle of panic in her wide eyes - not a Gabe. Not Gray. But would Sylar really come up to her and say her name?

Her small face grows tight with determination. She's got a program for dealing with these guys.

"Why don't you," her voice deepens with gutteral whispers of power, "tell me your name, what year it is for you, what abilities you have, and then go order a coffee?"

Why, Eden thinks despairingly, does this universe have a hard-on for these guys?


leto_reficio June 18 2008, 08:07:26 UTC
At her reaction to his voice, he wonders if he miscalculated -- if Chandra shared his suspicions with Eden before he came to Sylar's apartment.

And when she speaks, something subtle enough for him to hitherto miss becomes wonderfully, terribly obvious -- and he can't do anything about it, because his muscles are already leaping to obedience like a well-trained dog. "Sylar." Not his given name, but the name he considers to be his. "2006. Telekinesis, cryokinesis, hyleokinesis." Biokinesis should be on that list, by rights. Intuitive aptitude doesn't get a mention, because he still doesn't consider it a power.

His expression, in one of those rare unguarded moments, shifts from surprise -- to a strain to stop talking -- to apprehension and blossoming anger. But by then, he's off to carry out the final part of Eden's order. There are only so many scripts you can follow to order coffee, but he still has his tone of voice, and the lady behind the counter probably wonders what she did to wrong this guy.


carefulwishes June 18 2008, 15:23:35 UTC
An actual Sylar. This is somewhat surprising, and Eden's expression begins to reflect this before she controls her face again. It becomes closed and grim.

Eden follows behind him, close enough to snap, "You're not going to use any of your powers," and far enough to get out of the way if he lunges at her.

Eden would like to keep things a little less public, but circumstances require otherwise.


angela_edmunds June 17 2008, 22:37:59 UTC
Angela is coming back from a run when she sees the little girl. This must be one of the children that Mr. Wycliffe had told her about.

She comes over. "I like your animals," she says with a smile.

(She sometimes still misses her own. Angela is not entirely Grown Up, of course.)


wearsredhelmet June 17 2008, 23:33:45 UTC
Bridgette looks up, blinking a little in surprise.

Angela looks trustworthy, so she gets a smile. "I got 'em as presents for my birthday! This one," a gesture to the pony, "is Bravehoof."


angela_edmunds June 18 2008, 01:25:18 UTC
"Good name. What about the others?"

Angie likes kids. She wouldn't want to teach them if she didn't.


wearsredhelmet June 18 2008, 01:32:09 UTC
Bridgette shrugs. "Their names change. Sometimes the lion's evil, so he gets and evil name like Deathclaw or Doctor von Pain. But sometimes he's not, so I call him Simba. The unicorn is Lady Amalthea usually."


sinfulspeeder June 18 2008, 01:45:44 UTC
Look, Oliver, a 'skin! Just who you wanted to meet, right?

Edwin was hobbling along the road, trying to work out some nervous energy. (Sitting still and trying to rest his leg makes him just twitchier than normal, alas.) Now he's leaning on one crutch and flailing the other a bit as he sees Oliver. "Good God, man!" he yells to him. "You could have warned me!"


sworntoalostgod June 18 2008, 01:54:15 UTC
Beau snorts at Edwin, taking a wary step back, ears going down.

Oliver puts a hand on his neck and steadies him with a few words. Once that's taken care of, he looks back at Edwin and....

Nope, still no clue as to what in blazes is going on.

"I beg your pardon, sir?" He's too confused to remember to be cold and uptight around Edwin.


sinfulspeeder June 18 2008, 01:57:10 UTC
"The...the Sacred Woman, or whatever she is! The one with the whip!" He glances around, as if afraid that merely mentioning her will make Sonia show up. "She's terrifying, I can tell you that much. As soon as I walked into the house, she cornered me. I was fairly certain she was going to kill me or at least beat my head in for a few moments."


sworntoalostgod June 18 2008, 02:00:58 UTC

Oliver looks a bit embarrassed. "That would be Miss Belmont. Also a demon-- well, I'm sure you're aware of what she is."


ineveryport June 18 2008, 08:57:20 UTC
Jack is just about to leave the farm, humming to himself with the cheer of someone who's spent the night getting laid and is just about to head off to find someone else who he may or may not get lucky with.

On Reading Oliver's approach, he glances up. And smirks. And touches his temples in greeting.


sworntoalostgod June 18 2008, 15:16:55 UTC
Oliver freezes, gaze locked on Jack. He reins Beau to a stop, warily watching the other man.


ineveryport June 18 2008, 15:41:31 UTC
Jack shifts his weight so he's standing casually, arms folded away from his weapons.

"Ahoy!" he calls, in a voice that would be friendly if it wasn't so smug. "You're looking well!"

Double-handed, for one.


sworntoalostgod June 18 2008, 19:11:57 UTC
A cell. Oliver didn't think of asking about setting up a cell.

With an inward curse at the distraction that's plagued him since he met Edwin, he nods curtly to Jack.


no_devo_quotes June 18 2008, 14:07:41 UTC

That is a little girl. And a ghost. Of another little girl.

(Also toys, but those are more background info that she doesn't need.)

Sonia has encountered enough unusually not-evil monsters here that she doesn't attack immediately. (Though she does have her hand on the whip. Just in case.)

Instead, she approaches, trying not to look like she's ready to beat the hell out of anything that looks threatening. That tends to upset people, when children are involved.


wearsredhelmet June 18 2008, 15:12:15 UTC
Marie is just a little three year old girl! Without fangs or glowing red eyes or anything. Right now she watches her sister and squeals, "The hills are aliiiiive!"

"Marie," Bridgette says with a sigh, "You can't vote yes for everything." Noticing Sonia, she says, "Oh, hello," in a distracted way.


no_devo_quotes June 18 2008, 15:19:24 UTC
Ghosts are tricksy, though! Also, false!



wearsredhelmet June 18 2008, 19:03:33 UTC
"Just choosing a song for the talent show. I'm gonna sing. Do you know any songs?"

Bridge is not so subtly scoping out the competition.


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