Well. This is interesting. I just looked through my records to get an idea of how many copies of Rita 1 and 2 to stick in my suitcase for SPX.
ECCC 2014: 20/ na (R2 wasn’t printed yet)
RCCC 2014: 12/7 (5 bundles)
APE 2014: 11/6 (6 bundles)
Sasquan: 12/12 (8 bundles)
ECCC 2015: 13/14 (9 bundles)
And that tells me two things. One, that at most cons I
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Comments 4
In any event, it's certainly good to see sales apparently being sustained.
Someday I should get it into Comixology. In my copious free time.
I'm.. well, I hadn't expected anything like that. ^_^:
I have downloaded both, but I feel so awkward, as it could be next month, or next year before I can properly pay you directly. (It's a long story, and I'm not sure I quite understand it myself. I've not had a job search of this kind before. As is, it's looking quite likely I'll finally be able to return to the Bay in October or so)
I will repay you appropriately. If it needs to be soon, I'll arrange something.
Thank you. ^_^
And good luck with the job hunt. Job hunts are kind of hell.
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