This is a pre-order post for the following three concerts/butai. - Playzone 2010 Road to Playzone - タッキーサマーコンサート 2010 Youも来ちゃいなよ タッキーリゾート - Summary 2010
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be many auctions of Playzone goods. Since Myuto isn't exactly one of the more popular Juniors, the chances of finding a preview for the set is low. You may want to check the auctions/web yourself from time to time to find a preview.
When paying with a credit card on Paypal, from experience, if you choose to make it a personal transaction instead of purchase, you can choose to handle all the fees yourself, and that allows me to receive the money without any restrictions. Previously, a personal account could only handle a limited amount of transactions from credit cards in the past, so yes, as long as no restrictions is placed, then it's fine.
The examples you provided are paparazzi photos. There are no shop photos for Playzone, only official venue limited photosets like those shown above. I have yet to find previews for stage photosets so I don't know if there will be similar photos to the examples. If you want to order paparazzi photos, please check here for more details.
As for shipping price will depend on how many photos you're buying since the weight affects the price. As long as you're not buying a lot, shipping can be as cheap as 200yen. The orders I've handled in the past have not passed 800yen for shipping for just photos.
The shipping costs will be from Japan straight to your home address because I'm the one buying the things personally and I'll be shipping everything from Japan. There is no in-between person and no shipping two times etc. I've sent 8 photos to countries within Asia for roughly 200yen before.
Comments 6
When paying with a credit card on Paypal, from experience, if you choose to make it a personal transaction instead of purchase, you can choose to handle all the fees yourself, and that allows me to receive the money without any restrictions. Previously, a personal account could only handle a limited amount of transactions from credit cards in the past, so yes, as long as no restrictions is placed, then it's fine.
As for shipping price will depend on how many photos you're buying since the weight affects the price. As long as you're not buying a lot, shipping can be as cheap as 200yen. The orders I've handled in the past have not passed 800yen for shipping for just photos.
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