Away From Peeking Eyes

Mar 19, 2009 00:57

Title: Away From Peeking Eyes
Author: Shattered Tenshi
Rating: PG
Fandom: JE
Genre: Fluff?
Pairing: Nozawa Yuuki x Sanada Yuuma
Warnings: Nothing really.
Notes: Written for JE Spring Anon Fic Meme. Original prompt and thread here.

Away From Peeking Eyes
By Shattered Tenshi



"This, is the most horrible hiding spot you could have come up with it."

"Hey!" Sanada felt offended. "It's not the most comfortable space ever, but you have to admit, they won't look for us here, right? Besides, you were the one who wanted to hide from them!"

Nozawa shook his head and sighed, "You complained yesterday too, saying what Kiriyama-kun was doing was too crazy even for you."

"I...that was...!" Sanada stopped in the middle of his sentence and cleared his throat. "They're not that bad."

Nozawa rolled his eyes, not that Sanada could see him. "I never said they were bad. They're just overwhelming. It's enough dealing with Tokyo Juniors. Them Kansai people is just a different level."

Sanada chuckled, "Well, if you say it that way..."

"Still, a cupboard isn't a good place to hide." Nozawa frowned. "My legs feel cramped." Even though this cupboard was wide enough for the two of them to sit beside each other, it wasn't that deep at all, and they both had to sit, curled up.

"Your limbs are just too long!"

"So? If you don't feel cramped now, you'll feel so sooner or later. Like I said, this hiding place sucks."

Sanada was probably going to hit Nozawa, but ended up hitting his elbow against the wall instead. "Ouch!"

Nozawa chuckled. "See?"

Grunting, there were some shuffling noises as Sanada readjusted his position. "Well, there's probably about 30 more minutes until we have to go and get ready for the show, so it shouldn't be that bad?"

"You're saying you can stay still for the whole time then?"

Sanada huffed, "Yes! Don't underestimate me! I can do it when I have to." Nozawa could almost see Sanada grinning despite the darkness. Sanada patted his shoulder, "I'll even offer myself as your pillow, so I definitely won't have a need to move!"

Eyebrow raising, Nozawa asked, "Pillow? I don't need one."

"Hey! I was being nice!"

"Offer to be my pillow some other time. Resting my head on your shoulder now would only kill my neck," Nozawa reasoned. "We still need to dance later."

Sanada was huffing again. "Fine, I'll go find another hiding spot for you then. So many complaints..." About to get up and push open the cupboard doors, Sanada froze when he felt a hand around his wrist.

"Well," Nozawa started, "it's not that bad. It's hard to be alone together with them barging in, right? We're alone right now."

Sanada sat back down slowly. "We're...staying here then."

"We're staying here," Nozawa confirmed. "You'll just owe me a leg massage if my muscles feel awful later," he said, leaning in and used his instinct to find Sanada's cheek, pecking it.

Sanada cleared his throat and immedaitely relaxed, crossing his arms over his chest. "See? I told you this was a good spot." His grin was even evident in his voice.

"Whatever you say," Nozawa chuckled as he shifted closer so their arms were pressing together. "Whatever you say, Yuuma."

Author's Notes: Hey, for once, I wrote a prompt that didn't involve Taisuke! 8D; //whacked// I don't have much to say really. It was something quick that I came up with...and um, I seem to only write Sana-chan when I find requests to fulfill...I've never yet to write Sana-chan on my own will. o.o'' Why? I have no idea. To think I like him so much. ._______. there anything else I should say? I, mh, don't think so...

Comments are love and appreciated~

topic: je, ~fan-fic, group: mis snow man, pairing: nonsana

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