Well, it only took me about a week to scan 600 photos. 8D; To think I actually finished my drawing assignment on time. //whacked// Not that I'm getting a good mark on it. >>'' Anyways, obviously posting the scans in batches
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Oh they are sooo pretty. I really like their outfits from the concerts they are really nice and not too obnoxious well for the most part
hjk;d WHY IS YOKOO SO PRETTY?! Seriously, I think he might just beat Taisuke for me in this shoot.
And Goseki. I love him. His face totally heals my heart.
Thanks for posting all of these. Scanning takes forever and a day, yet you do it so much m(_ _)m How did your psychology test go, by the way? I remember you saying something about it being only a few days after you got back from your trip (or something like that).
Comments 34
hjk;d WHY IS YOKOO SO PRETTY?! Seriously, I think he might just beat Taisuke for me in this shoot.
And Goseki. I love him. His face totally heals my heart.
Thanks for posting all of these. Scanning takes forever and a day, yet you do it so much m(_ _)m
How did your psychology test go, by the way? I remember you saying something about it being only a few days after you got back from your trip (or something like that).
They're so pretty xD
That's ALOT of scanning...
Appreciate the hard work XD
Will look through and grab!!
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