[on_thecouch] - Squabbling like children

Sep 27, 2008 20:24

Left folded neatly on a desk in the Master's room


I hate this ship. Every time I try to do something, it always makes a fuss. I don't feel welcome at all.

I thought the Doctor said he was going to do something about that? It isn't fair, Harry. This is my home now, too. Can't you do anything about it?

For instance, the other day I was walking back to my room with a cup of coffee when the stupid machine blasted me with cold air and I dropped the cup. Or I'll go back to my room and all my things will be strewn about the floor. I had to throw away one of my favourite suits because it got water stained in the shower.

I can't even arrange my room to my liking because this ship just changes it around on me. It made my room orange, Harry. Orange. It was ghastly.

Just because I tried my hand at a bit of rewiring. I wanted to surprise you by showing you I could learn to do things like that and all I got in return was a burnt hand when the horrible thing shocked me.

And don't even get me started on the annoying beeping, or the way the Doctor constantly talks to it. It's hardly dignified. I suppose I can't expect much else from him, seeing as he is the Doctor.

Harry, I just want him to tell his ship to leave me alone. Won't you do something? He has to listen to you. You are his better, after all.

I'll have dinner ready for you, if you'd like. Thank you so much for looking into this whole dreadful affair.


Muse: Lucy Saxon
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 276
Prompt: What's on your agenda?
Verse: realityshifted
Written as a companion piece to this.
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