The Traditional Gentlemen's Moustache Duel continues...

Nov 16, 2008 13:53

drzero and I caught up in person at Neef's housewarming last night, and compared progress in our Traditional Gentlemen's Moustache Duel.

His moustache is very dapper, very slim and elegant. Even, dare I say it, a little bit poetic. It is the perfect moustache for the good Doctor.

And mine? Yes. Well. Less with dapper.

jan_event  demanded a photo. Wearing a hat. And so...

I'm concerned by the number of people who tell me it suits me.

Yes, it adds defintion to my jawline. But that's just shallow appearances.

Do people know me so little that they think this monstrosity of unruly hair somehow reflects my soul?

(This is all for charity, folks. Donations accepted here.)


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