Ralph Fiennes Reads HP Slash in his Pajamas

Jan 20, 2012 14:39

You may have all seen this. I hadn't until a dear friend sent it my way. And I needed to see this. So very much. If you haven't, you need to see this also ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

jedishampoo January 20 2012, 23:59:43 UTC
that is really, really funny. :)


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 01:23:02 UTC
Can you imagine if you'd written that??? Would you just die?!? He is beyond adorable...


chomiji January 21 2012, 01:21:54 UTC

What a good sport he is! And what iron self-control, to read that aloud on camera without snorfling all over the place ... .


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 01:23:23 UTC
I know, isn't he??? He makes me so happy. I wish I'd seen the whole program!


muffin_shark January 21 2012, 17:13:49 UTC
Oh man. Have you ever seen the video clip of James Lipton from "Inside the Actor's Studio" reciting the lyrics from Kevin Federline's "rap song" (if it can be called that) "Popozao"? He did it on Conan O'Brien and it's amazing. I have no idea how he didn't crack up, though he DOES smile.


muffin_shark January 21 2012, 17:24:16 UTC

athena8 January 21 2012, 02:12:53 UTC


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 19:47:45 UTC
LOLs! It can't be as funny to non-fangirls. I mean, I'm sure it is very amusing to them, but to our kind? It is special!


helliongoddess January 21 2012, 03:13:57 UTC
God. I am SO glad I don't write HP slash... it would be just my luck to have a piece of my worst pr0n selected for such treatment... He really was a good sport, though. Pretty funny.


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 19:43:02 UTC
I think I'd be honored, actually!!


7veilsphaedra January 21 2012, 03:50:16 UTC
Anyone who changes his name from Ralph to Rafe deserves to spend a Saturday night in New York sitting around in someone's basement wearing flannel pyjamas drinking hot cocoa and reading slashy Voldeporn. Pretty tame Voldeporn as such things go, too.


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 19:45:07 UTC
In fairness, his parents named him Ralph-pronounced-"Rafe". It is apparently an Old English pronunciation - or so his parents told him. His parents are academics, so the pretension was handed down to him, not chosen by him. (Though I'm sure he has plenty of his own!!) My ex refused to call him anything other than Ralph Finneys though...


sharpeslass January 21 2012, 19:51:20 UTC
and regardless of his name (hell, he can call himself Tiberius, Fido or Emperor of the Known Universe if he wants) he can come sit around my basement (well, I don't have a basement, but if I did...) drinking hot cocoa in flannel jammies any-damn time he wants!! I lust mightily for him. I won't lie...

He is a weakness of mine and has been lo these many years. When the quantas flight attendant thing happened and everyone else was disgusted, I was like, "dude, it just means he's easy; maybe we have a chance!!" I can forgive him everything up to racist rants or scientology. There I would have to draw the line....


7veilsphaedra January 21 2012, 21:19:37 UTC
" ... the quantas flight attendant thing ... "

Hokay. I haz no idea wut that wuz. [/lolcat]

He appears to be a nice-looking man with a solid blue-stocking background and interesting life, and speaking as someone who was saddled with one of the most pretentious names in Canada, I know all about fruitladen burdens upon progeny. *nods* (Still, Twisleton ... seriously?)

If you have a chance, I say go for it. I thought he was gay, but I think I'm confusing him with another actor with the same style of physique and mannerisms. Truly, all actors look somewhat the same to me. That's because when I was working in film, it was all about the symmetry of the features and the eyes being just a bit too far apart and the chin not extending past the lower lip line and the average height being 5'7"/140 lbs. for an actor ... so I tend not to notice celebrity persona thing.


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