But the Days and Nights are Long: Master Post

Dec 09, 2015 19:13

Title: But the Days and Nights Are Long
Word Count: 12.8k (one-shot)
Characters: Dean W., Sam W., Bobby Singer
Category: Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Horror, AU (but with a mostly canon ending)
Rating: R (for gore)
Warnings: Language. AU. Graphic Violence.  Gore.

Notes: This story veers into AU territory (but with a mostly canon ending) and takes place sometime during the “classic” Kripke-era of SPN. Assume spoilers for the first five seasons and you’ll be fine.

Acknowledgements: I borrowed my title from Cheryl Wheeler's song of the same name. And as always, my undying gratitude goes to my Aramis-loving beta, Sue Pokorny. You rock my socks, girl. Nong_Pradu has my thanks as well for beta reading the story and offering invaluable feedback. Many thanks go to Sue also for the beautiful poster art she created to accompany the story on LJ and AO3.

Summary: Dean suffers a traumatic brain injury. Sam tries to save him.

Part 1
Part 2
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