Title: The Dante's Peerage
Pairing: Yoochun x Changmin x Junsu
Genre: Vampire!AU
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: male x male relationship, threesome
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ
Summary: A werewolf, a hunter, a vampire. What had been three, was now one
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Comments 41
(if you continued it i will cry tears of happiness)
Ahahaha, idk if I will continue this or not, but it IS an interesting plot :DDD
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Don't ask me how I keep coming up with plots (they're not that great btw ;A), blame my muse! Blame Junsu! Why is he so attractive as Dracula??? That guy will be the death of me istg...
Sssshhh!! Don't ask for more! At least not now :3 Maybe after Su performs his dracula?
HE LOOKS SO GOOOD AS DRACULA I MEAN THAT BLOODY RED HAIR AND HIS GAZE AND AND JUST UNF how can he be so cute and then he is like the most sexy person ever .-.?
I'm so hoping for you to watch a fancam and your muse making you continue this 8DDDD!
and your plots are good, cause they have minsu 8D and minsu is good 8DDD(?) i'm kidding they are GOOD!
Such a bad bad boy.
Maybe I should spank him?
Oh btw unnie, I think I saw your comment (?) asking if I'm on diet coz I always write about food? Idk where that is so I'm just going to reply here :D I'm not always on diet, I'm starting today though, gained 5 kgs and I HAVE TO LOSE THEM ASAP
I love food though. I love their descriptions and I love to describe them :DDD
Good start, dear~ Lord Junsu and his hunting game are so tempting. I'm eager for the next part.
Yes I do blame him. I blame him thoroughly. Why is he so delicious? I hate him sometimes 8(
Noooooo there is no next part DDD8 at least not yet. I have too many unfinished fics as of now, should finish some of them before trying to crack this one ;A;
U have really much unfinished fics dear, try to complete some, "Mansion build upon sand" ang this one should...save for later. (or write ur new inspiration in one-shot, u can write them into long-fic when u have time.)
July is DraSula's month, prepare urself to watch his performance ^O^
I am going to complete some ^^ Golden Rule is finally coming to an end. I still have like, a gazillion other fics though. Will focus on Mansion Built Upon Sand first. Maybe I'll write a one shot threesome sex for this one xDD
That is a good idea! Writing one-shot definitely helps. In fact I was writing a one shot the other day.......but somehow it's already 9000 words long and not even half-finished OTTTL
Ahahahaha I can't go to Korea! I can't get any leave :( already used them for my China trip last month so I can't go ;A;
I was expecting one sexual night of orgy !!!
You expect right! The night will end in sexual orgy for the three of them. The two vampires would bite and feed on poor Chunnie, but I bet he'd enjoy every second of it /winks/
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