19 - When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?
Unless I get my ideas during the summer when I don't have to teach and do so much work from home, time is usually a factor when it comes to whether I can sit down and write right away. More often than not, I end up working through lines of dialogue or prominent parts of the story in my car (aloud!) during my commute - or in the shower, as I mentioned yesterday. (It's a good thing a lot of cell phones are hands-free now, because I can at least look like I'm on a call when I'm behind the wheel . . . and not completely talking to myself!)
Usually by the time I have the opportunity to actually sit down and write, I've already gone over several of the key scenes so much in my head (and out loud), that I'm fairly certain how those parts will go. Sometimes getting to those points is tricky, but when I finally do it's worth it!
On a few occasions I have started writing as soon as possible. For example, I'd been looking for inspiration for a long-ish Megamind story for quite a while before I eventually began "rehearsing" some of my prominent scenes for "Rain on the Just." When the plot finally began to come together, and I was certain of several of the most important parts, I began brainstorming ways to begin. The opening sequence sort of hit me all at once and I knew if I didn't get it down quickly, I'd lose it. So I wrote the entire thing by hand, in one of my school tablets, in the back seat of my parents' car as we drove to my brother's graduation. It was probably just as well that they thought I was doing school-related work, so they sort of left me alone to do it. I had
this part of it finished by the end of the day, and - with the sequences in my head that I had already "rehearsed" over and over - the rest of the story came fairly quickly.
I do have story ideas that I've set aside for later as well. Some of which I really like, and many of which have bits and pieces written. (Mainly D&DC ideas.) So I have a feeling they will eventually be realized as well.
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