Memes and Tags

Aug 15, 2006 16:11

I blame lang310Reply with your name and ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lang310 August 16 2006, 05:51:28 UTC


sharebears August 16 2006, 21:27:18 UTC
1. You are a beacon of sanity during my insane moments.
2. Pursue your dreams/goals without worry for money.
3. Orange. Don't ask me why. It suited you.
4. Your compassion, patience and sense of humor. (That was three things, so take your pick.)
5. Throwing the duckie decorations around in the bathroom while you were in the shower. And, the effort it took to get me to realize that the Bear had Fed.
6. Um...a hamster?
7. How did you ever survive with us last year?


yxonomei August 17 2006, 07:02:29 UTC
Memes scare me. *hides*


sharebears August 21 2006, 22:38:46 UTC
1. The god who wears no pants and has mad dancing skills.
2. I'll tell you this another time.
3. Yellow, for the happiness and friendship you have given me.
4. Your sense of humor and support.
5. Core II, Margaret Cho, and being the only Asian Americans to understand the phone conversation.
6. I'm bad at these...a cat.
7. What got you into slash?


yume_ryuu March 5 2007, 00:38:54 UTC
You dont need to post about me, since we dont know each other very personally. But i wanted to say Im glad I have a chance to talk to you again.


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