The Umbrella Academy

Mar 15, 2019 17:27

I just finished watching season 1 of The Umbrella Academy today.

Spoilers behind cut.

I really enjoyed it. All the characters were great, though Luther is probably my least favourite. He couldn't have handled the discovery of Vanya's powers worse, in my opinion. That said, I loved Luther's and Allison's little dance number. In fact, the music was terrific altogether.

Speaking of Allison, I hope she gets her voice back, though as powers go, hers was definitely the most problematic and least useful. I mean, in order for it to work, she has to look someone straight in the eye and trot out the whole, "I heard a rumour..." thing, and if people are wise to that, they - like Vanya - aren't going to let her get further, are they?

I did, of course, love Klaus. Robert Sheehan is terrific in the role. So much more likeable than Nathan in Misfits, which is the only other thing I've seen him in. Loved that Ben was still able to contribute (though dead), and the relationship between the two brothers.

I'm sorry that Pogo and Grace are gone, though I expect we'll see them in flashbacks in season 2, and maybe Sir Reginald, who - I did not see that coming - turned out not to be an emotionally repressed English aristocrat, but an alien. Weird.

In fact, the whole thing was pretty weird, but I loved it. Very glad there'll be a season 2.

In other TV news, I'm still enjoying Star Trek: Discovery a lot. They've really found their groove now, I think.

I'm also enjoying my Lucifer rewatch. Now half way through season 2- and still no official word of when season 4 will be up on Netflix. Oh well.

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