Also, with the first question 'have you ever been mistaken for someone else' Colin sounds like he's about to answer and then Bradley cuts in with 'not yet' and very pointedly looks at Colin who then shuts up.
I noticed this too. At first I was annoyed that yet again Bradley didn't let Colin answer a damn question, then I thought maybe he was saving him from taking too long [again] or revealing something. Then I thought maybe I was reading too much into it [again].
I don't know everyone is aware of this but our lovely lad is being voted as the 2nd LEAST SEXY man over on frantic_alonsy's lj. If it keeps going like this he will be voted off the SEXY MAN island tomorrow! How can this be? Everyone has to go over and vote against him today, tomorrow and the next day because we all know he is the most sexy, not the least!
link please... or is it a BBC 3 or 4 or other channel thing?
besides dunno what the critiria for sexy in that thing are, but Colin has a lovely and huggable face and great expression, but fysicly he is a skinny weed.
Comments 12
Favorite bit about this one: Colin doing his swaying thing ♥
And Bradley wants to do a body-swapping episode *snickers*
I don't even know where I'm going with this...
(*Bradley voice* 'What does that even mean?!?')
Bodyswap episode combined with reveal? y/y?
besides dunno what the critiria for sexy in that thing are, but Colin has a lovely and huggable face and great expression, but fysicly he is a skinny weed.
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