"The Object of My Affection" - Chapter 36

Dec 02, 2008 12:26

Title: Object of my Affection
Author: Shannon - shannyfish
Disclaimer: I do not own “Bones” or its characters, Fox does. This is merely for entertainment purposes only. 
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Booth and Brennan must struggle with not only the Grad Students trying to take Zack’s old position, but also help get through a tragic end.
Warning: Post Season Three - “Pain in the Heart”. Would take place during Season Four, probably mid to late. Warning! Do not start reading this unless you plan on reading all…like…one hundred chapters (it might be that many…might not…). This will be an epic/saga-type fic and shall include all kinds of fun plot twists. The rating of this story will most likely fluctuate, FYI.

Chapter 36 - “My Almost Regret”

Author’s Note: awww people no like my cliffhangers…so sad… It doesn’t seem like we have them enough anymore though LOL…  But yay for all the reviews!!!! I appreciate them!!!

NaNoWriMo’s goal has been met for another year! But why are there no new Bones eps until Jan? So not nice!!! Anyways…back to epic fic!

Trailer #1: h t t p : // www . mediafire . com / ?20w12iod0dd

Hopefully this all shows us, just remove the spaces : )


Potomac River Shore

Williamsport, Maryland

They had pulled Booth’s body from the large barrel and had disengaged him from the oxygen mask. Brennan watched helplessly as Cam checked Booth’s vitals. He’d been stuffed into the barrel with a large oxygen tank and a mask. “Cam?” she asked after a minute. Her heart felt like it had come to a dead stop.

“He’s got a pulse,” Cam announced. “Thready…that ambulance better be on its way!” she shouted to the F.B.I. agents who were still not being very helpful. She was starting to think that they were just there to supply them with their truck and to guard them.

Parker walked over to Brennan and held her hand. “He’s going to be fine,” he said. “He’s got super hero powers,” Parker said and walked a little closer.

Brennan knelt down at Booth’s side, across from Cam and watched as Parker took his father’s hand. She wanted to hug him and tell him that she couldn’t lose him, but she didn’t think it was too appropriate, especially in front of the audience they had. With Sweets watching, she half thought that he might commit her on such an action. It wasn’t like her…but what was she really like? Did she even know? “You’re right,” Brennan whispered to Parker.

The sound of the ambulance brought everyone’s gaze away from Booth and then brought it back again. Russ stepped forward and put his hands on his sister’s shoulders. “Tempe, you and Parker need to get out of the way for the EMTs.”

“He’s right,” Cam said. “We should let them have the space that they’ll need.”

Brennan nodded and put her hand over Parker’s that was still holding his dad’s hand. “We should let them.”

“I know,” Parker said and then finally let go and got up with Brennan. He let them led him back to where everyone else was standing. He noticed that Cam moved as well once the EMTs were there.

Angela stood next to a soaked Hodgins and they just all watched helplessly as the EMTs did what they could for Booth and then loaded him onto their gurney. “Where are you taking him?” Angela asked calmly. It was an important question, which was where the group would be heading next.

“Washington County Medical,” one of the EMTs reported.

“Do you think we could go with him, Cam?” Brennan asked. She figured that if it was a possibility, then Cam could make it happen.

Cam frowned, she wanted to say yes. But she knew it wasn’t a good idea. They would have more room if no one rode along. “No, I think we’re just going to have to get back into the vehicles and head there on our own. I think it’ll be best for his care and for us all to just ride on our own. You understand?”

“I think so,” she said a bit disappointed. She held Parker tightly and watched as they watched the gurney being loaded into the back of the ambulance.

Cam turned to the group as the EMTs closed the back of the ambulance up. She put on a smile and tried to be positive. “Let’s all get back into our vehicles, so we can get Hodgins a change of clothes-”

“I have one,” Hodgins volunteered.

“Well, then so Hodgins can get into dry clothes and to the hospital, so that we can see Booth.” Cam motioned for people to start walking towards the vehicles and noticed that the interns and the Brennan family started first and then they started to walk over. Cam glared at Sweets when he started to stray towards Doctor Brennan. Now wasn’t the time. He could shrink them later…when Booth was conscious and back in Washington D.C. and trying to get out of it.


Washington County Medical

Hagerstown, Maryland

“I don’t understand why no one will tell us anything,” Brennan said as she stopped pacing. They’d been in the waiting room for nearly five hours. They’d taken turns walking the kids, but it felt like days…

“Doctor Brennan,” Sweets spoke up.

“Please not now,” Brennan pleaded and then sat down next to Angela. Angela had been amazingly supportive. Not only had she and Hodgins made sure that she had coffee, so that she could stay in the waiting room, but they’d kept Parker occupied. Parker was currently asleep in between Angela and Hodgins, his head against Hodgins’ shoulder. She felt Angela’s arm wrap around her shoulders and Brennan shuddered as she pulled in a deep breath. She reached up and grasped her friend’s hand. “Thanks, Ang.”

Angela smiled and then looked over at Sweets, who now looked appeased. She wished that she could ease Brennan’s fears, worries, pain…but she didn’t know how. “Sweetie…they’re just making sure that Booth is stable before we see him. Cam’s trying to force information out of them right now.”

“He’s really going to be okay, right?” Brennan asked as she stared at Angela. She didn’t feel like being with her family, even though Sweets had tried to encourage it earlier. All she really wanted was to be with Booth…but Angela’s presence seemed to calm her.

“Booth’s strong,” Angela told her. “He’s going to bounce back from this.”

Hodgins smiled over at her, “Doctor Brennan, why don’t you try to sleep?”

“I don’t think I can,” Brennan admitted honestly.

“Listen, Angela and I were talking,” Hodgins said. “They’ll probably keep Booth at least overnight, and we were thinking that we could take Parker back to D.C. and we’ll watch him until Booth’s out.”

“I would appreciate that. That’s very thoughtful.”

“You know we love Parker, he’s absolutely adorable,” Angela said. “And this way, we can make sure that he still gets to go to school.”

“But what about the Gravedigger?” Brennan asked. “Booth said we were supposed to stay at the Jeffersonian.”

“The Gravedigger abducted Agent Booth, you sent him the money, he sent us Agent Booth’s location, we dug Agent Booth out, and so now logically shouldn’t the cycle be complete?” Zack asked. He’d been silently sitting between Hodgins and Sweets.

“Logically, yes,” Brennan said. “But Zack, he holds you responsible as well.”

“So, logically I am the only one who should fear for my life.”

“You said that way too calmly, man,” Hodgins told Zack.

“Death is a natural cycle in life,” Zack brushed off.

“Not when it’s murder,” Angela argued.

“Angela is right,” Sweets agreed.

“This is our conversation,” Hodgins told Sweets. “Why don’t you go shrink the interns or Doctor Brennan’s family?”

“I’d rather you mentally examine my grad students,” Brennan spoke up.

Sweets’ jaw dropped open and then he finally got up and trudged off in that direction.

“So logically, I am the only one who requires guarding, which means that once I am returned to the facility, I will be adequately guarded,” Zack explained.

Hodgins argued, “You used the word adequate…that means that you might as well have Brennan shoot you with her big gun.”

“I’d rather not,” Brennan argued.

Angela sighed, “Look, it means that Brennan’s family can return back to South…or North Carolina…” It was technically a good thing; it meant that Brennan and Russ would stop butting heads and that her best friend could have her office back again. “And it also means that Brennan’s grad students should be safe now, even Cedric, right?”

“That is correct,” Zack said.

“Logically,” Hodgins added sarcastically.

Brennan sighed, “I would like to be able to go back to my apartment and actually sleep in my own bed. I also think that it would be more beneficial to Parker to be able to resume his schedule including attending school.”

“I’m sure that the F.B.I. can still have us guarded for the time being,” Angela offered. “After all, their agent was the one that was taken this time.”

“Cam’s coming back,” Hodgins said as he straightened a bit, but made sure not to jostle Parker.

Cam noticed how all eyes fell on her. The F.B.I. had informed her that they’d like to start to move some of their party back to D.C. and she really didn’t argue. The F.B.I. also came up with the idea that they no longer needed to be held up in the Jeffersonian, which she was fine with. “Booth’s going to be okay,” she announced. “He’s stable and they’re getting him situated now. He’s going to have to stay overnight, if not for a couple of days.”

“Can we see him?” Hodgins asked. He knew it was something that Doctor Brennan would want to know, plus he wanted Parker to see his dad before he and Angela took him back home.

“In about thirty minutes,” Cam responded. “A few at a time.” She pulled in a breath before continuing, “Also, the F.B.I. wants to start returning everyone home and believes that we are in minimal danger at the very least. Max, Russ, Amy…you and the girls are to be returned home and your home will be guarded until they’re sure you’re safe.”

“But I don’t live with them,” Max argued.

“I figured you’d want to make sure they were safe,” Cam told him.

Max nodded, “Maybe you’re right.”

“Grad students,” Cam said turning to them. “The F.B.I. requests you four have a sleepover if at all possible. That way they can keep their guards to a minimum. Also, they want you to try to keep yourselves inside wherever you end up staying. Doctor Brennan or I will call you when you can resume your duties at the Jeffersonian.”

“None of us are fired yet, are we?” Cedric asked. He wasn’t sure if getting caught, hit by a car, and buried meant that he was fired.

“No, you’re all safe,” Cam assured. She turned to Sweets, “You can stay as long as you behave.”

“I always behave,” Sweets argued.

Cam frowned, “I mean that you can’t use your Ph.D. powers against or on anyone unless they explicitly asked for.”

“I guess I could do that.”

“Just think of it as moral support,” Cam told him. “You’ll come back with the rest of us.”

“I’m going to stay with Booth,” Brennan spoke up.

“We’re going to take Parker home,” Angela said.

“But he should see him before we leave,” Hodgins added.

Cam nodded, “Good plan.” She looked at Brennan, “If they can, they’ll fly him back to a hospital in D.C. if he’s going to have to stay more than just overnight.”

Brennan nodded, “That would be convenient.”


Booth’s Room

Washington County Medical

Hagerstown, Maryland

It had been hours since everyone else had left the hospital, but Brennan insisted on staying awake. He hadn’t even woken up when Parker had come in to see him, but Parker had just brushed it off on how he needed to sleep. She was amazed at how smart Parker was. The hospital wasn’t really accommodating for people spending the night, but Cam had managed to get Booth a room to himself. There was another empty bed in the room, but she couldn’t bring herself to being that far from him.

She laid her head down against his arm with her hand firmly holding his. Brennan closed her eyes and let tears fall as the memory of Booth cramped in the barrel flooded her memory, but she pushed past it or at least tried to, to the point where she could sleep. If Booth woke up and moved, then she would know.

When his hand moved and fluttered in hers, she pulled herself towards consciousness and lifted her head. It was dark and the room only glowed a bit. “Booth?” she said quietly staring at him in the dark.

“Am I dead?”

His voice made her tears fall down her cheeks again. It was like the world had suddenly started to spin again. “No,” she said and then laughed. “You’re in the hospital,” she explained and then reached out and turned on the light above his bed.

He squinted and then his eyes adjusted. He saw Brennan standing over him and was confused at why she was crying. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” she blurted out.

“You’re crying,” he said and reached out for her face.

Brennan dropped her head down, so her face was hidden. “I wasn’t the one that was hurt.”

“I was in a plastic tub thrown into the river,” Booth said. “Or was it the ocean?”

“The Potomac River,” Brennan corrected.

“I thought I was going to die, Bones,” he said honestly as he continued to stare at her. He wanted to see her eyes, but she was hiding her face still.

“I thought you were,” she whispered and peeked up at him.

Booth reached and grabbed her hand and tried to pull her closer. “You know when you’re going to die…you start to think about your life…everything you wished you’d done differently… I didn’t wish that I’d done things differently, but I did have two regrets.”

“That’s not so many,” she commented as she allowed him to pull her closer and she moved the railing down, so that she could sit on the bed next to him.

“My first was that I was leaving Parker. There’re still so many things I want to teach him,” Booth said.

“Angela and Hodgins are looking after him,” Brennan informed him.

“That’s good,” Booth told her. “But I don’t know how he’d be able to function without both of his parents. That’s a lot to take in for a kid Parker’s age.”

Brennan nodded, “He needs you. He believes in you, Booth. He knew we’d find you and that you’d be okay. He thinks you have super hero powers.”

“My second regret, Bones.”


“Is you,” Booth said.

Brennan was taken aback by that. She just stared at him confused. “Me?”

Carefully, he maneuvered his hand around her to pull her close and used his IV trapped hand to caress her cheek and push the tears away. “You.  There are things that I should have expressed…”

“You’re alive, Booth. It’s okay,” she said confused suddenly at his close proximity.

“I would have regretted not doing this,” Booth said before guiding her head to his and their lips meeting. He let his lips melt into hers and let the kiss be gentle at first like feathers. But then when she responded back, the kiss became more passionate. It reminded him of the kiss that had occurred the year before during Christmas that Caroline had orchestrated so that Brennan’s family could have a Christmas.

After a minute, he pulled away, but not too far. Their lips were still touching as they both sucked in breath. “I truly love you, Temperance,” he whispered breathlessly. It was worth going through hell if it brought him her…like this. It had been like an overdue wake up call.

“I love you, Seeley,” she whispered back, her eyes closed and moving, so that her forehead rested against his. “Don’t ever leave me again,” she whispered and her voice broke.

“Don’t leave me,” he whispered back.

“I need you,” Brennan told him. “I didn’t think that I would ever need anyone again. But I need you, Booth.”

“I need you, too,” Booth told her. “And so does Parker.”

She smiled, “He’s a genius.”

Booth laughed, “Destined for Squint-dom.”

“That’s not a real word.”

“It’s specially designed for you and Hodgins.”

“And Zack,” Brennan added. “He helped us find you, too.”

“All the squints together again,” he whispered and pulled her into his arms, letting her head rest against his shoulder. “Sleep Bones. I’m here.”

“I’ll always be here for you, Booth,” she whispered before kissing his cheek and cuddled against to him.



One Week Later…

Brennan laughed in response to Booth’s joke as they walked towards her office. It’d been a week since he’d been back and the F.B.I. had pulled all of their agents off of guarding duty. All members of the Jeffersonian and her family had been deemed safe for the time being. The cots and any other item that might have been brought in for long term stay had been stored back where it had come from. She stopped when she noticed the odd smile and stare she was getting from him. “What?”

“I’ve missed your smile,” Booth told her. “And your laugh.”

She smiled, “I’ve loved being with you, Booth.”

“See, I told you everything would be fine,” Booth told her. “That everything falls into place when it’s time.”

A frown fell on Brennan’s face, “The Gravedigger’s still out there.”

“Don’t think about it right now.”

“But he’s out there.”

Booth frowned; he suddenly wondered where his bright and cheerful Brennan went. “You can’t think like that,” he said and they started to walk again. “The Gravedigger is going to leave us alone now.”

Brennan gawked at him, “You can’t know that,” she argued as they entered her office. She turned to face him when they were in the center of her office.

“I know that I’m going to keep you safe as best to my ability,” Booth told her and pulled her closer to him. His eyes stared into hers and he found himself lost in her green-blue eyes. She was absolutely beautiful.    He reached up with one of his hands and caressed her cheek as he stared at her. She was quiet and all he wanted was to forget about the Gravedigger at the moment. “Please, can we not discuss the Gravedigger?” he asked quietly and let his forehead against hers.

“You want me to ignore the fact that he’s still out there and he could be targeting any one of us,” Brennan said and closed her eyes. She was enjoying Booth’s close proximity and his arms around her.

He moved his head around to kiss her and after a moment he pulled away even though she leaned forward into the kiss. “Ignorance is bliss, Bones,” he whispered with a grin.

Brennan leaned farther forward and captured his lips with hers. She normally would outlaw this kind of public display of affection from the workplace, but it was different with Booth. She wasn’t sure why, but it was. Her hands rose up to run her hands through his hair.

Booth laughed and pulled back, “Do we have an agreement?”

“I don’t understand.”

“I just want us to focus on living right now, not on the Gravedigger,” Booth clarified.

“Oh.” She had heard something very close to that before, but she’d been distracted. “I can’t focus on both?”

“I just…” Booth started and then sighed. “I’ve enjoyed this last week and we haven’t worried so much about the Gravedigger. The Gravedigger abducted me, you paid the ransom…I still want to pay you back…”

“It’s not necessary, Booth,” she argued and leaned in to kiss him again. She savored the kiss and then sighed when he pulled away after a moment.

Booth frowned at her, “It was a lot of money.”

“It really wasn’t.”

“Okay, it was a lot of money to me.”

Brennan frowned, “If we agree to not talk about the Gravedigger then that means no talking about the ransom money.”

“But Bones-”

“Is it a deal?” she asked as she settled her forehead against his and let her hands fall to his shoulders.


“It’s not negotiable,” she argued.

He smiled; sometimes it was irritating that she caught on to tactics that he used. “Agreed, for now.”

“For now?”


“I don’t understand.”

Booth grinned and leaned in to steal another kiss from her. His kiss was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked over and saw Angela standing there with a big grin on her face. This had been a common expression as of late. “Why does she always have to be so happy lately?” he asked, not really irritated by it, but more curious.

“She’s happy for me…us,” Brennan said and stepped away from Booth. “Angela’s running a facial reconstruction for me on a Limbo case.”

“Identifying remains?”

“It’s what my original purpose here was,” Brennan explained.

“I think you’re modified purpose here is much better,” he told her with a bright smile.

She laughed and then stepped away from him and towards the door. She opened the door, “Are you ready for me, Angela?”

“Yeah, Sweetie, but take your time,” Angela told her.

Brennan smiled and then turned back to Booth, “I like it, too,” she told him before leaving her office to follow Angela.



fanfic, booth, object_affection, bones, brennan

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