Nov 11, 2011 09:44
Title: Neutiquam Erro
Author: Shannon - shannyfish
Disclaimer: I do not own "Sanctuary" or its characters, Syfy and other people do. This is merely for entertainment purposes only.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What happens when James and Helen actually change the timeline? How will it affect the future? Re-write of “Tempus”
Warning: Season 1-3 is fair for sure, if I have spoilers for 4, it’s by complete accident.
Author's Note: Make sure to check out the LJ page with pictures of the kids and music…though I haven’t put together a full soundtrack…yet
. . .
Chapter 11 - “Sliders”
The arguing was what woke her. At first she’d struggled to remember where she was, but then she remembered when her eyes opened and James was right there. He had obviously been sleeping as well and had been awoken the same way she had. Looking over she noticed Nikola and Henry going at it. Sighing, she got to her feet and made her way towards them.
“What is the problem?” she demanded.
“He’s absolutely lost it this time,” Foss told her.
Tesla scoffed. “Me?” He shook his head, his hands on his hips. “I’ve solved the problem and your puppy from another universe is so sleepy deprived that he can’t see what my genius has created!”
Helen looked to James, who had moved to her side. “What do you think?”
“I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you to seduce him in Latin again,” James mused and laughed a bit.
“Be serious, James,” she told him, but couldn’t bring herself to have a firm tone with him. Tesla was always one that needed to be coddled a bit. He liked the attention; he actually tended to thrive off of it. So, they’d all learned to appease him by paying him attention if it meant that he actually cooperate.
“Does it work?”
They both turned to Tesla who looked even more exasperated now. “Well?” she prompted when he didn’t speak. Just because he’d solved the problem didn’t mean that the thing actually worked.
“Does it work? Of course it works! If it just was a fancy idea I had I wouldn’t have woken you two from your cuddle session over there,” Tesla said.
“You’re positive?”
“Nikola…” Helen said with slight frustration.
“Look, instead of just moving the thing that shouldn’t be here to where it should…I tweaked it. Now, a field should appear. Like a portal. We just sort of slide them into their own universe…shut down the machine…and TADA! I’m a genius…” Tesla told them as he clapped his hands together at the end. “So…can I have my wine now?”
“You’re going to slide us over?” Foss questioned with a slight smirk.
“That’s the word usage I decided to go with, yes,” Tesla told him. “Do you have a problem with that?”
“You know there was a show called Sliders, right?” he asked. “They jumped through portals to alternate universes.”
“No, I didn’t,” Tesla admitted with little interest. “But then I obviously used the appropriate term.”
“I should tell the doc,” Foss said and then paused as he thought about his words. “My doc…”
“You may as well let them sleep a tad longer,” Tesla told Foss. “We’re going to need to lock down the Sanctuary in order to ensure the safety of those inside the Sanctuary and nearby,” he said turning to James and Helen.
“How severe does this lockdown need to be?” James questioned.
“I’d suggest putting down the section and door blocks all over the Sanctuary, including every resident habitat you have them equipped on,” Tesla said. “Basically, if we can lower something that protects areas, then we need to.”
“I’ll get that started,” James volunteered and headed off to initiate protocols.
Tesla turned to Helen alone now. “That’s not all. It really would be prudent to get everyone who doesn’t need to be here as far as staff goes…so like you…James…the kids…”
“I’m not leaving,” Helen told him. “I’m seeing this through…and you should know well enough that James won’t leave either.”
“Fine,” he said with a sigh. “There may be some pain for you when she does finally leave our universe though… Don’t say I didn’t warn you. But seriously, make the others go to Moscow for a bit. We’ll call them back when we’ve gotten rid of the clones.”
“We’re not clones,” Foss complained.
“Close enough,” Tesla said quickly.
. . .
Henry had woken them and at first she’d felt quite fatigued, but somehow she found the strength to get up and move about on her own accord. John had stuck close to her just in case. He’d been so quiet. When they entered the main lab area, they found that everyone was assembled. They’d already been warned of the plan. Tesla had told them to lockdown the residents and the Sanctuary levels as well as send all staff to the Moscow Sanctuary until it was over.
“If Tesla says that you should go, then you should come with us,” Ashley argued with her mother.
“I’m going to see this through and then I’ll call you all right back home,” Helen told her daughter.
“Biggie and James are staying, YOU should be coming with us,” Ashley insisted. “He said that it could be painful for you to stay here… Why chance it?”
“This is my home, Ashley. This is my Sanctuary,” Helen said. She reached out and pulled both Ashley and Halia to her. She kissed each of their cheeks. “I will be fine. I always am, right? People are here to keep an eye on me. I’ll be safe and you’ll be home before you know it.”
“We ready?” Will asked as he and Clara moved towards Ashley and Halia.
“Ye-“ Ashley started, but stopped when she was interrupted.
“Can I have a quick second?” Halia asked, but before she got a response she moved towards where Magnus and Druitt stood. “I wanted to thank you,” she said with a smile.
“You’re the one who assisted with James’ treatment and was the one who had been aware that symptoms were not flu,” Magnus told the young woman with a smile. She would miss Halia. She was smart and kind.
Halia flings herself at Magnus and holds tight to her. “Thank you for caring.”
Magnus found herself holding onto the girl. It was hard. Ashley was mere feet from them and she found herself feeling like she was losing Ashley and other children (children that weren’t technically hers). Tears welled up in her eyes as she sniffled and tried to hold herself together. When Halia pulled back, she just smiled at her. “Remember that someone is proud of you. Never forget that you have a talent that cannot be denied. You pursue it if that’s what you want in life.”
Halia nodded and then quickly hugged Druitt. “Be safe,” she told them both before hurrying back towards the others.
“Ashley,” Druitt spoke up. “Can we please just have a single moment?”
Magnus had been surprised that John had spoken up. She had expected him to just remain silent, but she knew all too well how hard it was to see Ashley there. She had to admit that she was actually grateful for his request. It meant that she could see her closer one last time before they went back to their reality.
Ashley walked over to them and was visibly stiff. “Look, I know you didn’t mean any of this…” Ashley started to say.
“Be happy,” Druitt said. “Live your life to the fullest.”
“Do you need to be hugged?”
Magnus burst out into tears a bit, but a smile was on her face. She was so happy to see that somewhere…somehow…Ashley was alive and well. Since Druitt wasn’t moving, she took the opportunity to hug her daughter for the last time. A moment later, she felt John’s arms around them as well. “Goodbye Ashley,” she whispered.
It felt like it was over in a split second. Ashley moved back to Halia, Will, and Clara. The four of them disappeared a moment later, bound for Moscow. She wiped tears away, but found herself feeling so close to breaking down. John was holding her hand a moment later.
“Such an emotional scene,” Tesla spoke up. “Do you think we can push you back to your universe now?”
“Nikola!” Helen scolded.
“What? All the crying and hugging makes me physically ill,” he complained. “I just want to get this show on the road.”
“You were never one to understand boundaries,” James added a moment later. “I guess you really can’t teach old dogs new tricks.”
“Really? You’re referring to me as a dog?” Tesla asked. “We’ve got our own lycanthrope right here,” he said as he motioned to Foss who was standing not too far from him. “Please reserve the dog jokes for the proper species.” He pointed to himself. “Vampire, remember?”
“Oh, you’ll never let us forget, Nikola,” Magnus spoke up.
Tesla turned to Helen and James. “Oh please let me send them home now…”
“Are you all quite ready?” James asked them.
Magnus looked at Druitt and then over to where Will and Henry stood nearby. “A minute,” she requested of them. She wanted to say goodbye to James and his Helen. It felt like it was important.
“Right, well while you all have your touching moment…” Tesla spoke up with annoyance. “I’m going to warm the machine up and I’m going to try to keep myself from being sick.”
A high pitch shrill announced that the machine was on. She cringed slightly as she stopped in front of James and Helen. “I am so sorry the trouble I’ve caused you both,” Magnus started to apologize.
“Are you going to be okay?” James asked.
The question confused her for a moment. James knew her far too well. Sometimes it was a little scary. She swallowed and nodded. “I believe so,” she said quietly. Her face felt tight in places already from crying with Ashley there…and now here she was about to leave her dear friend behind who wouldn’t be waiting for her on the other side of Nikola’s portal. “I really miss you, James.” A few tears appeared and rolled down her cheeks, but before she could wipe them away she was pulled into a hug. James held her for a moment and she allowed herself to mourn him again. How much she truly missed him.
He pulled away and his hand went to her face, forcing her to look at him. “Promise me that you won’t do anything rash once you’re back home,” James requested. She nodded. “I want to hear it.”
“I promise, James,” she forced out as she wiped the tears away. She tried to take some solace in the fact that in this universe all those she loved were alive, together, and happy. Magnus turned to her counterpart. She honestly wasn’t sure what to say to her. There was so much uncertainty. Would Charley and Lucas reappear? Would her unborn child reappear like the other children? How much damage had she really caused to their lives?
Words couldn’t convey her thoughts right now. Not accurately anyways. Magnus took a step forward and hugged the Helen Magnus that belonged there. She seemed shocked, but she didn’t let go. She held her with her eyes closed for a moment, wishing that once she stepped through Tesla’s portal that everything would fall right back in place for them as if she’d never been there. Magnus pulled back and pushed forward a weak smile.
Magnus wasn’t even back across the room to John yet when Tesla started the portal. It appeared against the infirmary outer wall. It wasn’t as she’d imagined. For some reason she’d thought it would be full of white and blue and green. It wasn’t. It was dark purple and black swirls highlighted with orange accents. There was no comfort or hope in it. It looked more like a black hole, but she doubted that Nikola would want them gone that badly to send them to their deaths.
“Take care of her, John,” she heard James say and then John bowed slightly in response.
“Time to go home clones,” Tesla announced. He motioned to the portal that had appeared, pride all over his face. “Sic itur ad astra!”
“Thus you shall go to the stars?” Druitt asked. “Not exactly making me feel confidant that we’re not going to die the moment we step through, Nikola.”
Tesla shrugged in response. “No one was giving me anything to help me work earlier,” he told them before looking over to Helen and James. “It’s not my fault that I couldn’t think of a more optimistic Latin phrase. Maybe your Nikola Tesla can do better.”
“Doubtful,” Druitt replied with a grin.
“Time to go, Gentlemen,” Magnus announced and motioned for Henry and Will to go through. She waited a moment. Looking back over her shoulder, she pulled in a deep breath.
To leave this world behind…
There was far too much she’d seen. There was far too much that she found herself absolutely jealous of. So much perfection… So much that she’d never expected to happen or survive…
“Helen,” Druitt whispered as he took her hand. “Time to go home.”
His voice was gentle and she knew he was right. It was time for them to leave. It was hard to leave it all behind now that she’d seen what could have been. “John…” she barely breathed.
His arm wrapped around her and turned her towards the portal. “Come along,” he said as he guided her towards it. They paused for a moment before finally taking a step through.
James’ frightened voice, she swore yelled out her name. She’d already been in the portal then and was unable to turn around and go back to see what was the matter. Had something happened to her counterpart? Or had she merely imagined it? She honestly didn’t know.
Moments later, they were standing in the same spot but obviously in their universe. She looked around and couldn’t believe it for a moment. She held tight to John’s hand and tried to breathe. It was hard though. It was like being given everything she wanted and then having it yanked it away.
She focused on breathing and holding it together. She’d allowed herself to be outwardly emotional enough already for one day. Magnus really only felt more exhausted and drained by the emotional outbursts she’d had. She may as well still be suffering from there being two Helen Magnuses in one space.
“Let’s get everyone checked out,” she spoke up a moment later. Her heart wasn’t in it, though. It was just a standard thing she’d said on many occasions before. She felt her hand being squeezed and looked down at her hand before looking up at whom it belonged to. She was still there standing with John.
“Including you,” John told her.
She gave him a slight nod before letting go of his hand.
…back to the life she’d had over a hundred years ago.
. . .
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