that scared me, too! i remember i would watch the disney channel every morning, and i'd see this commercials for it... and i was scared of skeletons too, so i'd pretty much always just hide under my blanket whenever this commercial came on.... but the end would always have my heart pounding! it seems so ridiculous now. i'm glad we have this in common!
dude no doubt! it scared me the first time i watched it! i never remember seeing any of the previews for it, i just watched it when it first came out on vhs! i was kinda on the fence about it too, i mean i really enjoyed it execpt the part he is set on fire as the scarecrow and then jumps into the fountian creeped me out, and the tree with the hung skeletons creeped me out and dr finkelstein REALLY creeped me out cuz of the whole poking at his brain and of course removing half of it XD so yeah i feel can be kinda scary from a kid's point of view! but now i see it as one of the best movies of all time :)
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