Title: In Honor of Them that Served
Characters: Multiple Fandoms, Multiple Characters
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0, CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, NCIS: LA, Last Resort, Firefly, Covert Affairs, Avengers
Written For: Our Military
Prompt: Veteran’s Day
Summary: In support of our military and those who serve, various fandoms and their connection
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Comments 10
These are excellent, m'dear.
How are you? I've been thinking about you and my mom asked about you the other day, too.
I'm okay. We survived the power outage. Weren't as hard hit as some--no flooding, just no power for a week and a half. Things are pretty much back to normal now.
I had a job interview before everything went to...Hades essentially. So I'm waiting to hear back from them--they were supposed to call me that week everyone had no power.
Other than that, things are just trucking along.
*hugs* How are things going for you guys?
We're doing alright for the most part. The weather has kinda tanked and it's been messing with Thomas' back and leg something fierce. Not a lot got accomplished this weekend. The girls are still endlessly entertaining. :)
Oh man that's never fun--for Thomas. I'm sure its difficult to focus on anything with things up and down like that.
Yay for the girls though. *giggles* It's fun to read about them.
I'm thinking Marines but what was your thought? Just curious.
There is no comic canon for Clint being a specific branch (although there are a couple of obscure comics with Clint in the military), but Coulson was a Ranger (hoorah!) so that I think is where my thinking came in. Plus my Momo and my grandpa were both Army. So :-) (Although I have family who've been in all branches.)
Firefly: just fabulous.
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