Mommy moved the fishies so I can't bat them anymore. Mean mommy. I'll climb up on the counter just to show her. Maybe I can catch some fishies!
Then the tall poky one with the red fur on top who plays with my face came over. He used to live with us, but he went away. I miss him. I like playing with him. azurelunatic says he has a journal on here too, and he'
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bat bat bat... I wanna get in the glassy thing...there's more fishy's there than before... I remember mommy saying the new fishy's were all named "buffet" does that mean that I can have one? bat bat bat... I wanna get those fishy''s not fair that hot_chocolate gets to eat them and I don't... my mommy is so unfair
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Taurus Week of Monday, January 06, 2003 You find that you are getting the best of a long time rival this week. It may be that they will soon drop their guard and try to make friends with you or at least offer you the status and credit that you deserve. Lost things will be found on Friday.
Auntie said that even though I was a good boy, I wasn't getting any of the round brown stuff in the little boxes that all the other people were getting. She said that it would make me sick. I don't like getting sick. Once I ate some ribbon. It was pink. Then I got sick.
What did I do this time? Mommy grabbed my feet and dumped me in the wet room. I know what happens next. I've gotta get out of here! They're going to get me wet again! WHY ME?!?!?!
why did mommy get mad at me when I pushed the shiny round thing off her altar? It was so much fun to play with, I rolled it and bounced it and then mommy found me and took it!
guess I'll go after the fuzzy by the swimming food.