Title: Not Young
ohaimarkPairing: Jay (2pm) Kevin (U-Kiss)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut! Crack! Crossover
A/N: I'd been endlessly complaining about the dearth of Cracky Smutty 2pm fic and I've just recently discovered how incredibly awesome U-kiss is. So I figured I'd stop whining and take some action. This is my first fic, but hopefully desperation and
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Comments 8
I will def. keep it going. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the comment. Especially since this fic is so completely ridiculous. But then again, you would appreciate something like this. *gives you the side-eye*
“I just want you to see how cute I look with your dick in my mouth.”
omo omo, it just so suits him!!
and when I saw not young for first time (live), this was exactly what i thought of,too. They were so cute and innocent and their dancing was so adorable, but I just thoug: yeah, they´re not kids they sure know how to give blowjob and trying to seduce some pedo with that dance XDD
btw: actually, Jaebomie is only about 160cm (maybe even 159?:P).. in fact, they all are quite shorter than their height stated in official bio (height is really important for korean, but boys in SME are all pretty short, that´s why they(the company)lie so big and wear shoelifts and such. Actually NONE of boys in k-pop industry is taller than 6 ft.). Also Kevin is only 167, if not less. But it´s good for the story, he would look like a man, but in fact he weights only 45 kg (still 5 kg more than Kevin) and I have feeling like his abs are photoshoped or something (XDD), cuz he´s really tiny
this totally corrupted my innocent image of him and not to mention, JAY...holy crap Jay, u like the little whore~~~
sorry for the harsh language, but this fic brings that out of me...hehehe
i was scared to read this at first, because of the pairing. but i'm glad i did read it~ 8D ♥ I'M STILL SCARED OF THIS FIC THO
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