Hello :)

Oct 11, 2015 18:40

My complete journal (private entries, fanfics, pic-spams, ...) is now friends-only ( Read more... )


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Comments 243

syac90 October 11 2011, 23:16:38 UTC
*raises hands high in the air and jumping at the same time*
"add me love!!!!"

Everything you post just makes me smile. And when they are sad, I'll be one trying to make u smile. Well, at least I hope I can. <3


shambolicasfuck October 12 2011, 12:56:39 UTC
Aw... :3

Lovely comment... so of course I'll add you back. ;)


cwitch October 12 2011, 00:54:41 UTC
Love the rpf & footie posts. I comment once in a blue moon. Please don't cut me?


shambolicasfuck October 12 2011, 13:00:45 UTC
You like my footie-posts + RPF?
Well... then I'll definitely add you back, because atm most of my posts are about footie. :) And I hope I'll be able to write the one or other new story in the near future!


damigella_314 October 13 2011, 19:21:19 UTC
yes, please. Bitte bitte.


cwitch October 15 2011, 18:25:26 UTC


rincewindy13 October 12 2011, 06:46:50 UTC
Die mit denen du schon befreundet bist bleiben drin,oder? *puppy dog eyes* ;)



shambolicasfuck October 12 2011, 13:03:37 UTC
Na klar. ;)
Hab erst vor kurzem nen Friends-Cut gemacht & so 150 Leute gelöscht. Da passiert also nix mehr. :)
Uuuund - dich würd ich eh nie von meiner f-list kicken! :)


By the wayyyyyyyy...
Hast du mal wieder ein Konzert im Auge?
In Berlin? ;)


rincewindy13 October 17 2011, 07:49:52 UTC

Ich ziehe Ende November noch Österreich...falls du vorher nochmal auf ein Konzi willst, gerne...


shambolicasfuck October 17 2011, 12:52:27 UTC
Oh, okay! Dann viel Glück! :D

Hmm.. na ob's vor Ende November noch klappt.. eher unwahrscheinlich. :/
Uni hat ja grad wieder angefangen und grad der November ist recht vollgepackt.
Aber wenn dir irgendein Konzert ins Auge fällt... kannst mir ja trotzdem mal schreiben. :)


murzum October 12 2011, 16:02:04 UTC
dunno if you remember me. once i asked you to add me 'cause i wanted to translate your House-fics. and several days ago i found out you used to write on Torchwood fandom:) i read some of your fics and enjoyed them a lot:) especially the crossover-ish ones:) i would like to translate them too one day - if you let me, of course:)


shambolicasfuck October 12 2011, 18:06:27 UTC

I think I remember this, yeah.

Well, yeah. I think I told you back then already that I've become a little paranoid when it comes to my stories. It happened more than once that someone just reposted a story elsewhere.. without crediting me or anything. :( One reason why I locked my journal. :(

So I really dunno... don't feel good thinking about it.
But now that you asked again... and you already did it anyway, right?
So it's okay. Just PLEASE credit me. And well... I'd feel even better if you could send me the link after reposting my story?

Alright. Nothing against you... just have gotten a little more carful, you know?

Gonna add you back now...


murzum October 12 2011, 19:11:02 UTC
thanks for your trust! i do appreciate it a lot!!
and i've already told you back then: i a-l-w-a-y-s DO credit you and other authers. i don't need anyone else's fame - i've got mine and that's enough:)
and here are the links. though i wouldn't call it a repost... it's in a different language, remember? Russian:) and still:
Shakermaker - http://www.diary.ru/~murzum/p138408491.htm
Phone!Sex - http://www.diary.ru/~murzum/p143691500.htm
SMS - http://www.diary.ru/~murzum/p137221274.htm
and btw: i'm watching veeery carefully for no one to repost my translations (and my own fics). if i catch someone doing that, i kill without warning.


shambolicasfuck October 13 2011, 20:36:29 UTC
Yeah.. I know you said this. And I believe you.
Like I said - it's got nothing to do with you... I've just gotten a little more careful.

Thanks for the links. :)

Haha... okay. ;)


ladymakbeth October 12 2011, 16:07:02 UTC
OMG, please forgive me that I wasn't able to show up here for ages. I'm so so so sorry. I hope we're still friends?
Love you <3


shambolicasfuck October 12 2011, 17:57:06 UTC
Of course I forgive you, love.
I wasn't online all that much either the past weeks.. I didn't post too often.. so don't worry.
And of course we're still friends. <3
We've been knowing each other for such a long time now. :)

Love you, too. :3


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