#329 - Restoring

Apr 02, 2010 21:26

Get Out

Don't play in the ruins. They're all told it. Don't play in the ruins: they're not safe; you could fall or have something fall on you; you could get trapped, or killed; it's not safe.

Don't play in the ruins.


The citadel shudders. Pressed up against the walls at the corner of her bed, Melanie startles awake in the dark, feeling the vibration fade away around her.

Suddenly, Rusty Collins came back from the dead.

Melanie blinked at him. He blinked back, except with gold eyes, on account of how he had been raised from the dead through the transmode virus somehow, despite being turned into energy and absorbed by Holocaust, who really has the worse name.

"Wasn't there supposed to be a ghost story going on here?" Melanie asked, except with her hands, because she's a deaf-mute mostly. "Probably with a bit of Charity and Rosetta and Adeola and lights in the ruins and flames and me getting into trouble and probably creepy owls and stuff?"

"Yes," said Rusty. "Yes, there was. Unfortunately, fiction doesn't just create itself, except in certain metafictional ways. Also, we changed tense, did you notice that?" Melanie nodded. "Anyway, now I'm going to vanish mysteriously or something, I dunno. Also, someone should say 'get out' in order to make this actually match the topic."

"Get out!" cried Melanie, except it was more 'waved furiously' because sign-language.

Rusty did.


Seriously, though. Don't play in ruins. Ooooooh, spooky.

incomplete, tm, lol writing hard :(

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